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wanted to wait a few more days to post bc im mean but my ai told me to post today

~no pov

Draco, Slytherin as ever, got a pistachio ice cream in a cup, because Salazar forbid he got sticky ice cream all over himself. Harry, being the man-child he is, got a double-scoop of chocolate in a cone and didn't care that there was ice cream all over him.

Which led to Draco impulsively wiping the ice cream off of the brunet's face with a tissue, and backing away when he noticed the proximity between them.


"It's alright." Harry just smiled and pretended it didn't give him butterflies.

The two got back to Harry's house just as Ron and Hermione woke up. Both had a killer hangover and didn't even notice the potions waiting for them.

"Do you have a potion around here, mate?" Ron asked. "My head is killing me."

The blond laughed to himself and hoped Hermione at least noticed. She did not.

"Malfoy left some on the table for you."

"I could kiss you." Ron ran over to get his, letting the potion take its effects before relaxing back on the sofa. "Oh this works so quickly. Mione is going to be jealous or absolutely besotted."

Hermione, who went to the toilet before finding out about the potion, came back and saw how relaxed her husband was. "How are you not complaining about your hangover?"

"Potion." He pointed at it, and his wife immediately went to drink it.

"Who made this? It works ten seconds faster than mine."

"Malfoy did." Harry said, walking into the living room with two cups of tea for his friends. "It's brilliant."

"It is." Hermione said, almost bitterly. "Teach me how. Right now."

"Salazar, does bossiness just run in the Gryffindor genes or something?" Malfoy laughed as he went to sit down on the sofa furthest from them all. He didn't think they'd want him that close, even after deciding to be civil.

Civil wasn't friendship.

He began to explain how his potion worked faster than usual, mentioning how he perfected it over time and added extra ingredients to induce speed in performance. Ron snorted at that, but otherwise, both him and Harry didn't understand any of it.

Hermione did, and made notes on a piece of parchment she summoned from Godric-knows-where. Once she'd gotten the notes, she decided the first thing she'd do when she got home would be testing it out.

"Oh, tell her what you told me about the flavours."

"Flavours?" The married couple asked.

"Yeah, he said he was trying to make potions taste like specific things without ruining the way they worked." Harry grinned. "It was because I'm a proud complainer."

"Not just because of you." Malfoy mumbled, knowing damn well it was just for the brunet. He didn't care about bitter tastes - he drank black coffee.

"Tell me right now."

And so, the blond explained that to Hermione, who returned to taking notes. She was fascinated, and impressed, and decided that Malfoy would have to make a potion with her some day.

"It'd be nice to make potions with someone on my intellectual level." She targeted that at her two idiot best friends.

"Alright, no need to shame us for being stupid."

"You're not stupid." Hermione's tone was a dead giveaway that she was lying. "Just.. not as gifted as the rest of us."

Both of the childish men rolled their eyes and complained quietly to each other as the potion-lovers talked about more smart things they couldn't understand.

"Anyone fancy breakfast? I do. I'm starving." Ron said once he got bored, and hungry.

"You're always starving." Hermione remarked, but got up to go to the kitchen and make something anyway.

They all followed, knowing it was rude to make the lady make the food. They were all appreciative of her, but after years of her taking care of them, they liked to return the favour.

Malfoy excluded, though. He obviously hadn't been taken care of by Hermione.

Speaking of him, he frowned when he saw the three of them make omelettes using magic, and the ignition turned on. That was his cue to leave.

The trio didn't notice him leave.

Draco went upstairs to check on the kids as an excuse not to be around the open fire. He wondered why magic couldn't find a way to cook food without a flame. It surely could be possible, if the food was prepared beforehand, no?

He wondered if there was a heating spell that could cook food, but that wasn't something he could even test out, so he let the thought leave his mind. He was content with his electric oven anyway.

Maybe he could convince Potter to buy one. It was better for the environment or some shit like that, wasn't it? Less contaminants in the air or something like that.

The kids were still asleep when he went up, so he decided to just sit in the bathroom and have some time to himself. He seemed to spend a lot of time in there, every time he went over to the Potter's.

He heard little footsteps a while later and took that as his cue to leave, telling the kids that breakfast was ready. He escorted them downstairs, both of them deciding they wanted to be carried.

He let his son latch himself onto his back and then carried Teddy on his hip. It was a bit dangerous, but the two kids trusted him and that was enough. He was glad the stairs weren't too lengthy and the kitchen wasn't too far, because he felt his body grow weak and decided he should try eating more.

"Oh, that's a sight I never thought I'd see." Weasley remarked upon seeing the blond carry two kids at once.

"It's sweet." His wife nudged him. "Malfoy's strong too."

"Not really." Draco groaned as he put the kids down, his son sitting on the counter behind him, Teddy standing on the floor. Draco put Scorpius down safely after. "Kids are heavy."

"Try carrying them in your stomach." Granger laughed.

"I have so much respect for you." Draco said whilst stretching, shaking out the invisible pain from carrying two kids. They weren't really that heavy; he was just a bit weak.

"You're acting like you didn't carry my grown ass to bed last night." Potter teased, an undertone of gratefulness behind his words.

"No idea how I did that." Draco said truthfully.

There was a time in Draco's life where he had muscles, from eating healthily and going to the gym, but recently he was losing them, therefore losing weight too from not eating. He wasn't doing it on purpose; he'd just found eating nauseating, and didn't feel he deserved the basic necessity.

"Well I appreciate it anyway." The brunet smiled.

"Was funny carrying you like some pretty princess." Draco smirked. "Bridal-style."

Weasley snorted at that. "Oh, Malfoy, I'd pay to see that."

Draco walked over to the brunet jokingly, who ran away and screamed that he wouldn't let his best friend watch him get carried like some featherweight bride.

This was home.

how many times will i say that 

no one knows - i know bc im done w it now and i used this line a LOT LMAOOO

this slow burn is a bit slow isnt it

i forgot that this needs to follow a plan

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