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i skipped a speaking exam 

sliced and diced and got blood stains all over my arm

and my shirt but i cleaned it

got detention 

missed lunch to do the speaking and get lectured

got walked to it so i wouldn't skip it again

stabbed myself w a pen

hurt for a bit but i got over it

hurts now that its not bleeding

today was fun !!

lol forgot how psycho i was so glad i dont do french anymore dw guys this was me a year ago ! i am a changed person now !

~no pov

Harry woke up first, as always, with an awful hangover. He started performing random spells and eventually got the room to darken, after accidentally shattering his lamp and ripping the blinds clean off. After magicking them back on, he got up, put his glasses on and thanked Godric for the hangover potion on his bedside table.

And a glass of water, which diluted the awful taste enough for him to not complain. Once the potion's effects kicked in, he got up and stumbled downstairs. His friends were sleeping comfortable, entangled in each other.

He smiled at that and went into the kitchen, expecting Malfoy to be there. He wasn't, and Harry frowned. Why wasn't his new-friend-ex-enemy sitting in the kitchen sipping coffee like he usually did when Scorpius stayed over?

Then he wondered how he ended up in his bed when he dozed off on the sofa. He smiled at the thought of the blond carrying him into bed and tucking him in. 

So he summoned his phone and rang the man.

"Where are you, you twat?"

"Good morning to you too. I suppose you haven't drank the hangover potion?"

"No I have. I'm just not pleased to find an empty kitchen and a coffeeless mug." 

"Oh, sorry. Should I have made you a cup for when you woke up?"

"No, Malfoy, I meant you weren't here drinking your usual bitter coffee. Did you not stay over?"

"No. The sofa was occupied."

"I have, like, four sofas."


"Shut up." Harry took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. "Is Scorpius still here or did you take him home too?"

"No. The kids fell asleep so I tucked them into Teddy's bed. I hope that's alright with you."

Harry couldn't believe Malfoy's belief that he should've done more, despite doing everything right. "'Course it is. Did you clean up everything else or did we do that drunkenly?"

"No, I did. You'd probably break everything if you did." He laughed. "Besides, you were knocked out almost immediately after you got the Firewhiskey out."

"Ah." He said shortly. "Well, come back over. Someone has to pick Scorpius up."

"He sleeps in on the weekends. He'll be up in about... two hours."

Harry groaned. "You knob, I'm trying to tell you to come over so I can drink my morning tea with you. It's tradition at this point."

"Traditions are generational beliefs passed down you twat."

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