Chapter 4

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A/N: Yeah um... I'm sorry :D

I don't deserve votes but if you wanna be nice- I'll take it 🥹

Craig and Tweek had made their way to the first floor, and Craig led his boyfriend towards the back door, hoping it would be less obvious than leaving through reception. They successfully snuck out of the hotel and began looking for a path to travel.

Tweek spotted something in the distance. "Gah! Craig, is that a car?"

Craig squinted and looked. "I think it is. You think it still works?"

"Hgn! I don't know!" Tweek replied before the two decided to make their way towards the vehicle.

The car was an old and abandoned Model T that had probably seen better days. It was parked discreetly in the back of the hotel, most likely for transporting staff members.

Craig tried the driver's side door, but it did not budge. He resorted to tugging on the passenger's door, and it surprisingly opened.

Tweek looked around anxiously as Craig worked his way into the driver's seat. He felt like they were being watched.

"Come on, start, you fucking thing." Craig muttered as he fumbled with the various throttles and switches in the car. "Why the fuck do they have an old car like this anyway?" Craig hissed, struggling to locate the ignition.

"Hgn! Craig, hurry!"

"I am! We might have to bail on the fucking car because it doesn't do shit." Craig threw up his hands in defeat.

Suddenly, a figure charged out of nowhere, having been secretly watching the whole time.

Tweek screamed as Kyle ran to the passenger-side door and kicked it as hard as he could, deforming the thin metal.

"Fuck!" Craig exclaimed as he scooted over to the passenger's seat and pushed on the door, but it no longer opened.

"It's just you and me, dolly." Kyle grinned, deranged, at Tweek.

"Hgn!" Tweek turned and sprinted away as fast as he could towards the forest, hoping to get away.

Kyle caught up quickly and reached a hand out to grab Tweek's arm. He slammed the blond against a nearby tree, knife still in hand.

"Gah! You fucking monster! Let me go! Craig!" Tweek screamed in terror.

Kyle cocked his head to the side jerkily, as if it was on a rusty hinge. He began giggling at the blond's horror and raised his knife. "Bye bye, dolly." Kyle swung the knife down.

Tweek put his arms up to shield himself, shrieking as the sharp knife cut into the flesh of his forearms.

Craig panickedly stuffed himself through the window of the vehicle, desperate to save Tweek. He fell to the ground with a grunt when he finally made it through. Craig didn't waste a single moment and ran as fast as he could in the direction the other two went. Fear shot through his veins when he saw Tweek pinned up against a tree with blood dripping from him, and Kyle had his knife raised for a second attack. Craig charged into Kyle blindly, forcing the latter away from his boyfriend.

"Hgn! Craig! Careful!" Tweek shouted worriedly. He tried to get up, but his wounds were still spewing blood, causing him to feel incredibly dizzy.

Kyle tried to slash Craig with his knife, but the latter dodged out of the way just in time.

"You wanna get me? Come get me!" Craig exclaimed before running back towards the hotel, turning occasionally to make sure that Kyle was following him. He barged into reception and glanced around before heading into the ballroom. Craig dashed up the stairs leading to the balcony that bordered the entire ballroom and waited for Kyle to come to him.

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