Chapter 6

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A/N: Shit's going downhill r e a l fast

Cartman, Tolkien, and Clyde had made their way down to the first floor when they heard loud commotion coming from upstairs. They exchanged fearful looks, not daring to investigate or even linger for any longer.

Tolkien pulled Clyde after him as the three of them ran out of the front doors of the hotel. "We should've grabbed a fucking weapon." He muttered as they successfully made their way outside.

"I'd rather not confront whatever the fuck that thing is. Let's just get the fuck out quickly and find help." Cartman replied, following closely behind his friends.

"There. That's the path we came from." Tolkien pointed to a dirt trail that cut through the forest.

"What the... it looks... what the fuck happened?" Clyde muttered. The green and lush forest from the morning was now a cluster of knobby, skeletal limbs of what used to be lively timber. The entire forest was dead silent, all of the critters that used to reside were nowhere to be found.

"Fuck." Cartman muttered simply.

"Let's just go. We don't have time to waste." Tolkien urged the other two on as they ran down the dirt path and into the maze of withered limbs.


Kyle slid his butcher knife through the gap of another storage room on the fourth floor before barging in. He wasn't about to let anyone get away. He tossed the knife carelessly to the side as he scanned the room quickly. Kyle grabbed a bundle of rope off of a shelf and seized a sharp scythe that hung on the wall of tools. He slung the rope over his shoulder and brandished the scythe. Kyle turned and darted back out, racing down the stairs.

No one can get away.

No one.


Kenny pulled himself back onto his feet with great difficulty, wobbling with every step. He bent down precariously and retrieved the fire hatchet from the ground. "Butters?" Kenny called loudly, no longer caring if someone heard him. "Buttercup?!" He stumbled down the halls, looking around frantically. "Butters???" Kenny held back tears as he began darting around aimlessly, desperate to find his boyfriend.


Cartman panted heavily as the three males ran deeper and deeper into the forest.

"Something's wrong." Tolkien suddenly said.

"Wh-what?" Clyde asked, terrified.

"It didn't take nearly as long for us to get through this forest on the way here. This path... this path isn't the same one we took." Tolkien replied gravely.

"B-but it's the only path. There weren't other paths! The path wouldn't change, would it?" Cartman said, finally catching his breath. He rested his hand against an exceptionally large tree to his right.

"Everything in this fucking hotel is off. These trees weren't dead when we came here. The hotel wasn't old and decrepit either when we came here. And there were fucking people when we came here.... Kyle wasn't fucking possessed when we fucking came here for fuck's sake! This place... it's... I don't know... it just... it's wrong.... Everything about this place is fucking wrong!" Tolkien spewed, glancing around nervously. He could barely tell where they were going in the darkness of the night.

"Tolks, what do we do?" Clyde asked anxiously. His body was still weak from being trapped in a freezer for hours, and he could barely walk without Tolkien's support.

"We keep going. We have to get the fuck out." Tolkien answered, tightening his arm around his boyfriend before the three proceeded through the forest.

The trio ignored the twisty dirty path that lay ahead of them and resorted to running directly away from the hotel instead.

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