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The tour bus door slid open and several figures stepped out.

"The weather is quite splendid today, isn't it, my dear?" Gregory asked, wrapping an arm around Estella.

"You're quite right, my fluffy little duckling." Estella leaned into her boyfriend.

"That's a new one." Wendy commented as she opened the luggage compartment of the bus.

Gregory quickly stepped forward to help unload the bags and suitcases for the girls.

"His hair is exceptionally fluffy today. I adore it." Estella explained, gazing at her boyfriend with a soft smile.

"Oh my god, cheesy!" Bebe laughed, hand in hand with Red.

"Says you." Heidi teased.

"Oh, whatever." Bebe stuck her tongue out at her friend as Red kissed her on the cheek.

Bebe flushed slightly and turned to kiss Red back.

"Oh my, now who's the cheesy ones?" Gregory joked as he set all the luggage down on the grass in a neat line.

The girls all grabbed their own bags and suitcases, thanking Gregory.

"Alrighty, let's head on in!" Gregory announced as they all set out down a dirt path that led into a beautiful little forest.

"The critters are quite lovely." Estella commented on the peaceful sounds of birds and other forest animals.

"They are indeed." Gregory replied, holding his girlfriend's hand. The couple had opted to pack light and only had a backpack each.

Bebe and Red, however, both packed more than they should've, struggling to lug their four suitcases and two bags.

Wendy and Heidi chuckled at their friends, each carrying a single suitcase.

"Do you ladies need a hand?" Gregory offered helpfully.

"Yes, please!" Bebe answered gratefully.

"Thank you, Gregory!" Red said as well. Both she and her girlfriend each handed a suitcase to the tall male.

"I will never understand why in the world someone would pack so generously over a single week of stay." Estella teased her friends.

"Her idea." Red nodded at her girlfriend.

"Snitch." Bebe muttered under her breath.

"Whoa! There it is!" Heidi exclaimed excitedly. They had reached the other side of the forest and now stood in front of the grand entrance of the hotel.

"How lavish!" Estella exclaimed.

"Precisely so." Gregory agreed with his girlfriend.

"Beat you guys there!" Wendy called as she ran off.

"Bitch!" Bebe laughed as she tried to chase after her friend, giving up after a few steps since her luggage weighed her down.

Wendy reached the double doors of the hotel and was warmly welcomed by the greeter at the door. He was a couple of inches taller than her and had dark brown hair that curled slightly at the ends. His cheeks had a few freckles scattered about in a charming way. She saw a tag pinned on the lapel of the greeter's old-fashioned uniform and learned that his name was Scott. Wendy felt that the male standing in front of her was slightly familiar, like someone she had gone to school with but never talked to. She shrugged off the feeling as the rest of her friends caught up, each receiving a greeting from Scott as well. "Welcome to the Mystic Gate. Come on in, and you're here to stay." The greeter spoke eloquently. "Please, head inside and check in with Sophie. Thomas will help handle your luggage." Scott said to the group, holding a door open.

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