Chapter 59: Song Evil Source

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This time, no matter how much Tian Haomiao didn't believe it, he had to admit one thing, that is, the woman who once made him so excited was probably not human!

At this moment, he didn't dare to get out of the bed anymore, he quickly retracted his legs, braced himself and said calmly: "What on earth do you want to do?"

She had already sat up from the lying position, grabbed the sheets, still fixed her strange eyes on Tian Haomiao, but slowly put her pale hands on the phone to type.

Immediately afterwards, another ding-dong sound came from Tian Haomiao's cell phone.

This time, no matter how stupid he was, he probably realized something. This woman seemed unable to speak, and could only communicate with himself through the mobile phone. He picked up the mobile phone tremblingly and glanced at the content on it.

[First meeting]: When did you... start releasing songs for more people to hear.

Trembling, Tian Haomiao hurriedly replied: "I will do it as soon as possible, give me a month at most, and I will—"

Her expression became more and more malicious, and she crawled forward slowly, making the sound of bones rubbing against her body.

Hearing that Tian Haomiao instantly recalled an extremely scary movie, he quickly replied: "Half a month!"

She is still crawling forward.

Tian Haomiao could only shout: "One week, one week! Really only one week."

The figure of rubbing bones stopped abruptly, Tian Haomiao mustered up the courage to raise her head, only to see that she was still staring straight at him, but her body was inexplicably without any help, and slowly retracted into the bottom of the bed, never to be seen again.

Ding dong.

The notification sound came from the mobile phone again, and Tian Haomiao screamed in fright, and quickly picked up the mobile phone. Fortunately, this time it was not the girl who sent it, but his assistant Xiao Fei.

[Xiao Fei]: Brother Tian, ​​why is the door of your house unlocked? Where are you?

Tian Haomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and now she didn't dare to look under the bed anymore, for fear of seeing her, she quickly got up and sent a message to Xiaofei saying that she would go back soon.

He didn't want to stay in this hotel either.

Quickly checked out, and then drove back home, Xiaofei was helping to clean the room, and when he saw Tian Haomiao came back, he wanted to say hello, but was startled by Tian Haomiao's uneasy expression, worried Said: "Brother Tian, ​​why do you look so pale, is there something uncomfortable?"

Tian Haomiao didn't dare to say that he might be targeted by a female ghost, and the other party forced him to release an album, what is this called.

Tian Haomiao didn't know if "she" under the bed had left or not, so she didn't dare to sleep alone, wiped her face, and said to Xiaofei feeling extremely tired: "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well last night, you Go to the guest room to sleep after cleaning, don't go home."

Xiaofei is a male assistant, so there will be no problem staying here, not to mention this is not Xiaofei's first time staying here, so he didn't find it strange, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

A sleepless night.

Tian Haomiao didn't fall asleep until almost early morning, and he didn't even dare to close the bedroom door or turn over all night, for fear that the woman under the bed would be dissatisfied and crawl out again.

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