Part 1

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My eyes widened as the stranger threw my father against the wall of the alleyway, and I placed my palm over my younger brother's eyes when there was a sickening crunch. I had unconsciously closed my eyes, tears pouring down my face. I forced my eyes open to see my father slide down the wall, leaving a straight, thick line of blood smeared on the wall. My eyes moved down to the stranger who was kneeling before my dad. He dipped his head down, tearing a bit of my father's flesh with his teeth. Suddenly an irrational anger overtook my senses, I ran forward blindly and stumbled. Pulling myself upright, I dragged my reluctant feet toward the stranger with the intention of wrenching him away from my father's body. He was too strong, but that didn't stop me from pushing and kicking at him. 

It was futile. 

Utterly futile. 

I began shaking him, but he wouldn't budge. In one stroke, he pushed me off of him roughly. I flew back because of the force, thumping my head against the ground. The dull pain at the back of my head made me reach back to rub it, only to feel wetness. I brought the palm near my face, to see a bloodied palm. If this were any other normal day, I would have freaked out, except I was in intense shock, and nothing around me was registering. I felt a slight tug on my leg, and I looked down to see my brother. "Oneechan!" I blinked at him. "What's that guy doing to Otosan?" I suppose some of the fuzziness dissipated when the kid mentioned Otosan, so my head snapped up. 

The man was... eating my father. 

My hands began shaking, partly in fright and partly in anger. I pushed my brother away, "Stay here, okay? Right in front of this wall. Everything is okay." I choked, crawling forward. I made sure the kid couldn't see what was happening, he'd been scarred enough. I could only hope he wouldn't understand what was going on, but then he was almost 8. Maybe he knew but he didn't want it to be true. Or maybe he just didn't understand. 

Slowly, I stood up, but my knees buckled and I almost cried out in frustration. Looking around, I noticed a heap of garbage, and amongst that garbage, a stick like thing. I half-crawled and half-walked to reach it and pull it out. It turned out to be a long post hole digging bar with the flat portion twisted. Had I been in a normal situation, I would probably have come up with scenarios that could have caused it to bend. But now I was focused, I had to jam this weapon into the stranger somehow. I had to pull him away from my dad. I had to kill him. 

Spurred on by my thoughts, I began charging forward, ignoring the pain in my head and basically every other body part. I would kill the man who did this to us. I managed to reach him and push the twisted and pointy portion into the stranger's body, sobbing while doing it. I had never hurt any living thing before. I was the kind of person who would pick up insects with a sheet of paper if people were about to stamp them, the sort of person who would cry and repeat the word 'sorry' over and over again if I did hurt a living thing by mistake. I dropped to my knees, sobbing and whispering 'gomen na'sai' as I dropped to my knees. 

Suddenly I was lifted up by the neck, the man had wrapped his hand around my neck and lifted me up, squeezing it until I began choking. I began clawing at his hands, but I stopped as I noticed weird shadows hovering above his head. I looked on in shock as those shadows wrapped around my little brother, who had probably peeked into the alleyway to see what was happening, and choked him. I could hear screams, a mixture of my voice as well as my brother's. Then came the bone-chilling laughter, the man's.  The shadows dropped my brother as I realized where they arose from. From the man himself. 

I looked at my brother, he seemed alive. Unconscious, but alive. Then I looked toward the man, his grip on my neck was loosening, and then he let go. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was looking down, at his own chest. I followed his gaze down and noticed a sword-like thing protruding from his chest, a pool of blood forming in front of me. I scrambled back, only to hit something hard, and yet weirdly soft. I immediately jerked away in alarm, looking at the spot, to find a tall guy holding the sword that had pierced the mutant stranger and effectively saved our lives. "Are you alright?" Asked the black-haired, bespectacled man. My mind was incapable of forming any coherent thoughts, but I managed to nod weakly. I looked back at my brother, "He's fine, don't worry." I nodded again, crawling toward my brother, I placed my palm on his chest, feeling his steady and strong heartbeat. I sighed out loud, my brother was fine. 

There was wet sound, and I looked up to see our savior pulling out his sword. His act spilt a lot more blood from the now-grotesque looking guy. I looked past him instead, only for my eyes to fall on my father, or rather his half-eaten carcass, and I immediately looked away. I knew I wasn't going to be able to 'unsee' it, but I needed to know that there was no way to get him back. I just had to hope that that wouldn't be what I would remember of my father, and that I would always remember him happy.   

The bespectacled man had an air of arrogance about him, or perhaps it was confidence. He walked toward my brother and me, one hand gripping the bloody sword, and the other merely swinging. I watched him as he walked, I wasn't sure if I was wary or fascinated, but I noticed that he had a sort of grace. More accurately, it was a predator-like grace. 

He knelt before me with an expressionless face. No remorse, no sadness, nothing. 

The last thing I felt was someone lifting me up gently, as I blacked out.

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