1.) sudden ilness

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This is the first one I wrote, I wrote this a longgggggg time ago so I apologize if it's terrible and pls let me know what you think and what more to do! Thank ya!

Peter Parker is no ordinary teen. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. Which gave him super powers. He was asked by Tony Stark. Aka Iorn man if he wanted to join the team of Avengers but since peter was still in high school he decided against it but still offered his assistance if they needed a hand.
When Peter woke up for school he wasn't feeling good. Peter almost fell back asleep till he heard his Aunt May call.
"You best be up!"
"I am!" Called Peter, voice a bit hoarse.
Peter got out of bed and got ready for school. In all honesty he felt awful. He made his way down stairs.
"Eat fast, we got to go, are you feeling alright?" His Aunt asked, pausing when she saw his pale face.
"Hmm. Ya I'm fine, just a bit tired."
"Ok then but don't forget that Steve is picking you up and your with him today."
Steve, aka Steve Rogers as in Captain America. Tony Stark, was way on business so Steve volunteered to watch Peter. Peter was staying for a few nights since his Aunt was headed out of town.
"Hey dude. You ok?" Asked his best friend Ned.
"Huh? Oh ya I'm ok. Just tired." Replied Peter.
"Your pale, are you sick?"
"No ned, I'm ok, besides I can't get sick."
"Are you sure? You sure look like it,"
"Yes I'm fine! Please. Stops asking." Peter Asked then left for class. By third period Peter felt worse, his stomach was rolling in his body and he was head was pounding.
"That's it, I'm taking you to the nurse, you look like your about to hurl." Replies Ned.
"L..look. I've got two more classes, I'll be fine."
"Ya, but don't you have a (whispers) training with the Avengers tonight?"
"Ya so, I'm ok." Peter replied but totally forgot her had that, He hoped he could still train.
"I still think you should go to the nurse."
"Oh look, final bell, need to get to class. See ya later Ned!" Replied Peter as he headed to his class. Leaving Ned.
By the end of the class Peter was starting to wish he had taken Neds advice. He was feeling awful. Peter mad his way outside where he saw a familiar black car.
Happy. He is one of the assistants to Mr.stark, or tony as he asked to be called.
Happy said hi as he got in.
"Steve has asked that you are ready to spar."
"My gym stuff is at the tower, I can change in seconds when I get there." But while Peter was riding he felt sick. His sensory issues were climbing fast.
"Hey you ok?" Asked Happy, noticing the way Peter was looking through his mirror. Peter was sweating and he was starting to looked panicked.
"S..sensory overload..." was all Peter could get out while trying to stop from puking. Peter was leaning forward and holding his head. Suddenly there was calm. Peter looked up and saw that happy had pulled over and put noise canceling headphones on him. Peter didn't realize that Happy has moved his hands from his head.
"Boss has my put them in my car. U ok?" Signed Happy, so he could talk to peter.
"Ya, thanks, I thought I was going to puke." Signed Peter back.
"If you want I can alert Rogers that your sick."
"I'm not sick, I just had a overload, when I'm tired I get them more." Peter breathed deeply after replying to Happy
"What ever you say kid." Happy then pulls in to Avengers HQ.
"Thanks Happy!" Peter replied and tossed the headphones in to the car as he left.
"Good morning peter, glad you are here." Replied FRIDAY. She is a A.I. in the tower, sorta like more advanced Alexa.
"Hey FRIDAY. Where are the Avengers?"
"Gym. Would you like me to take you there?"
"Can I go to my room first?" Asked Peter. He felt sick so he wanted to freshen up so he felt better. He hoped cold water and a change of clothes would help. His clothes were wet from sweating.
"Peter, you seem to have a temperature of 101 shall I notify captain Rogers of your temperature?"
"No! I mean, I'm fine!" Peter Said quickly.
"If your temp rises higher than 103 I'll have to inform Captain Rogers, Mr. stark has a protocol." FRIDAY replied.
"Just take me to my room." Asked Peter. He felt the elevator rise and he went to his bathroom right as his stomach revolted against him. He threw up what he ate at lunch.
"Mr. Parker, you seem to be in destress, should I alert Rogers?"
"No, it's fine, it's just an upset stomach, can you tell me why?"
"You seem to have a virus, you should Rest, fluids and no over exertion, shall I inform Rogers that you are sick? Your temperatures now 101.3."
"Please inform Cap that I'll be there in a few minutes."
Peter asked FRIDAY.
"As you wish." Peter quickly changed his clothes that had a bit of vomit in them and Hurried to the Avengers.
He saw Cap and Thor sparring and the black widow with Bruce, aka Hulk, just not green.
"Hey, your turn spider-kid." Called Cap when he saw Peter walk off the elevator.
Peter hurried over to cap and they started to spar. A few times peter felt sick, especially after Steve hit him in the stomach a few times.
"I..I'm done.. I.." Peter replied breathlessly. He felt sick. It took a lot out of him to not puke on Captain America.
"Aw, come on kid, your ok, just a little longer." Steve tried, not seeing what was happening.
"Steve, if I may. The kid.."
"I'm fine!" Called our Peter trying to stop FRIDAY from calling out his illness.
"The kid is fatigued and if you push Him harder he will black out."
"Ok, then, why don't you work on your web slinging." Steve Asked as he grabbed a towel for peter and himself.
Peter nodded but sorta wished he didn't cause it sent another wave of nausea go through his stomach. He was sure he looked a little green. He hoped no one saw. Bruce however did. While Peter was swinging a little Bruce Called him down.
"Hey, What's up Doc?"
"Are you feeling ok?" Asked Bruce arms crossed over his chest.
"Ya, never better." Peter replied as he played with his web launcher on his hands
"You were looking a little sick." Bruce went to feel for a temp but peter jumped back.
"I..I'm fine Doc, please. FRIDAY tell him I'm fine." Asked peter.
"Peter is healthy Doctor Banner." FRIDAY replied.
"Ok, why don't you go shower and meet me in the labs. I've got new formula for your Webb, I want to test it with you." Banner Asked.
"Sure Doc!" Peter swung away and headed for the elevator. Once he got there he walked in and FRIDAY called,
"Sir your Temperature is rising to 102, I should alert Rogers of your illness."
"I'm ok! It's nothing"
"Sir, I must insist."
"FRIDAY I will let you know if I need assistance."
"As you wish." FRIDAY replied.
Peter quickly showed and headed down to the lab. Before he got there he became Dizzy he leaned on a wall to get his bearings.
"Sir, your temp is rising again, I must insist that I alert Rogers."
"FRIDAY is I hear that again I will turn that off."
"Ok, Dr.Banner is waiting for you." FRIDAY respond, sadly.
"Cheer up Friday. Your ok. I just don't want them to know I'm weak." With that Peter headed to Banner.
By the end of the tests, Peter was exhausted. He knew his fever was high and he was concerned that he may throw up again.
"Hey, Bruce I need to get ready for patrol."
"Very well, are you sure your feeling ok? Your sweating."
"Oh, I'm fine, just a bit hot."
With that peter left.
"FRIDAY, is peter ok?" Bruce Asked once peter left.
"He asked me not to inform anyone of his medical history. Is this an emergency?" Asked Friday.
"No, ok thanks FRIDAY." Banner sighed. He wasn't convinced. He could see that Peter was sick. Bruce started working on meds that peters metabolism could take. Since he has Spider DNA normal
Meds won't work on him. He needs special stuff."
Peter went on patrol till midnight. He was feeling worse and decided to disable his suits ability to tell him to seek medical help. Peter plopped on his bed and he had already changed to his pjs and turned to sleep. He awoke and hurried to the bathroom and threw up.
"F..FRIDAY, what's wrong with me." Asked Peter as he vomits again.
"You have the stomach flu, you're fever is above 103, should I inform Rogers or Another Avenger?" FRIDAY Asked.
"C..contact.. Steve.." replied Peter as he fought dizziness again. He leaned back on the wall.
"I have already alerted Rogers and he promised to be there in a few minutes."
FRIDAY responded.
(FRIDAY calling CAP)
"Captain ROGERS!" FRIDAYs Voice Called loudly.
"W..what time is it Friday, what's going on." Asked Steve as he sat up.
"The time is 3:47 AM and I must insist that you go see Peter, he is in distress."
"Distress? What kind? Can you give me
Details?" Asked Steve as he already hurried out of bed.
"He has a fever of 103.5 and is experiencing vomiting and stomach pain. I suggest you hurry." Steve jogged to Peters room.
"Peter? You ok? Are you in here?" Steve Called.
"FRIDAY lights 15 percent." Steve Asked.
As the lights came on He could see Peter laying in bed, sweating.
"Peter, wake up!" Steve gently shook the kid up. Peter awoke with a start and pushed past Steve but due to his fever he was too weak and couldn't get away from Steve before throwing up on him and the floor.
"FRIDAY, lights 30 percent, and can you give me a temp." Steve carried Peter to the bathroom so he could throw up in the toilet and not on the floor again.
"Temp is 103.7 I suggest a cool bath quickly to lower his temp. I have requested Dr.Banner to meet you here. ETA 7 minutes.
"FRIDAY shower now!" Steve replied and placed peter in the cold shower when he finished puking.
"In 9 minutes you can take him out. Dr.Banner will be there in a few minutes." FRIDAY replied.
"S.steve?? I..s that you?" Asked Peter.
"Ya it is buddy. Your running quite a fever. Why didn't you tell me you felt sick. I'm sure we could have gotten you better sooner, now your pretty sick."
"I..I just wanted to be though like you."
"Peter, your the toughest 16 year old that I know, it's not a weakness to tell someone that your hurt or sick." Steve replied as he helped Peter change into clean pjs.
"FRIDAY please wake up Bucky up and can you ask him to bring me some new clothes?" Steve Asked noticing the vomit covering him.
"He has been alerted." FRIDAY responded. Then Steve sees a shadow of a figure then heard Banner call to fine them.
"FRIDAY light 45 percent." Called Banner.
The lights came on a little more and Banner saw Steve, and Peter. Steve has vomit on his shirt and pants and Peter was whimpering while Steve sat by peter on the bed. Bucky came in and handed Steve clothes so he could change while Bruce examined Peter.
"What's wrong with him Bruce?" Asked Bucky then Steve came back.
"Looks like it's the stomach flu, which I didn't think he could get but we can't worry about that now. I saw that he looked sick so I started working on meds but I don't think they will be ready yet."
"How did he get this?" Asked Bucky.
"I'm not sure but probably from school. FRIDAY what's his temp?"
"His temperature is 102.6 better than it was."
"There isn't much I can do, it's going to have to run its course." Bruce told them.
"Peter, try to sleep ok, you need to rest." Steve told him. Once the others saw he was asleep they left.
"FRIDAY wake me if he gets worse or wakes up." Steve Asked.
"Of Course Sir."
The rest of the avengers went back to sleep.
"Captain Rogers!" FRIDAY Called.
"What's Going On FRIDAY?" Asked Steve as he was already up. It was 6:34.
"Peter is in a distress again, I have already alerted Dr.Banner to meet you at Peters room."
"Before Steve could ask he saw Peter at the toilet."
"I threw up again."
"It's ok bud, your sick, it's going to happen, just get it up. Bruce is coming and might have something to help you."
"And I do! The meds i Finished should help. How many times have you gotten sick?" Bruce voice replied as he came into the bathroom, and knelt by peter.
"Three, just in 2 hours." Peter replied.
"Steve help him back to bed please." Banner Asked after Doing a quick exam.
Steve helped up peter and picked him up. Once Peter was settled in bed they placed a trash can by his bed and they left except Steve who wanted to keep an eye on him. Tony would be back later that day.
Steve woke up a few times when peter puked.
"Steve? You up?" Asked Bucky as he came in. Peter was asleep and Steve was half awake.
"Hey, go take a nap. I'll watch spider-boy, Tony should be back soon. He would kill me if you were not on your game." Bucky told his friend.
"Are you sure?"
"Go, I'm sure I can handle him." Once Steve left Bucky saw it was 10 in the morning.
"FRIDAY please let me know if anything changes, I'm going to grab some food." Bucky Asked.
"Yes sir."
Bucky left to get some food for him and peter Incase he wanted to try and eat. When he came back peter was just starting to stir.
"Hey spider-boy. You hungry?" Asked Bucky as he set the tray on a table and walked to the bed.
"Not really, are you cold?" Asked Peter.
"No, but you have a fever. FRIDAY what is his temp?"
"His temp is 103. Shall I alert Dr.Banner?"
"No, we can handle it." Steve replied as he came in.
"How ya feeling bud?" Asked Bucky.
"Tired, sore, my stomach still hurts. I'm cold."
"Are the meds helping?" Asked Steve.
"I think so."
"Captain Rogers. Bucky, Mr.Stark has arrived and would like to know where you are, shall I tell him of Peters Ailment?"
"No thank you FRIDAY. I'll tell him." Replied Steve.
"Bucky, can you stay with him? I'm going to talk to Tony."
"Of course I can." Bucky replied then Steve left.
Steve wasn't sure how to tell tony that his intern has the stomach flu.
"Steve. Where is everyone?" Asked Tony.
"In the avengers wing. Peter is down."
"Down? As in like hurt? Did he forget protocol while he was on his own?"
"Umm, not exactly, 'Steve rubs his neck' he's got the stomach flu."
"The stomach flu?! How did he get that? Is he in the medical wing?"
"No, he is in his bed, resting. Last night was rough on him."
"Did Bruce check on him?"
"Ya, we called him after peter first threw up. Peters Temp is high still but it was nearly 104. It's 103 now."
"Mr.Stark, Captain Rogers. I'm glad to see your having a nice talk but Bucky has requested assistance. It appears that Peter is in distress and needs help. Dr.Banner has been alerted."
"FRIDAY info!" Barked Cap as he and Stark ran for the elevator.
"Peter has a high temp of 105 and is experiencing severe stomach ailments. The Other Avengers can't calm him down enough to help."
When Tony and Steve got to the floor they could hear Natasha. Aka black widow, Mrs.Pepper and Thor trying to calm a scared Peter off the ceiling.
"How did he get up there?" Asked Steve quietly.
"FRIDAY activate Peters Sensory protocol."
"Activating now." Then the lights dimmed.
"Hey Peter, it's Tony, come down so we can help you, we can't help if you don't come down." Tony Asked, barely higher than a whisper.
"I..it hurts!"
"What hurts kid?" Asked Tony.
""My stomach, my head."
"I know, I know it hurts, I want to help but you need to come back down so we can help."
Peter climbed down but when he got dizzy he started to fall.
"Easy, I got you." Said Steve as he quickly jumped to catch Peter. Steve put Peter onto the bed and helped him sit up.
"Peter, are you ok?" Asked Tony.
"FRIDAY! Temperature!"
"105.4 it is becoming a dangerous level, shall I set a bath?"
"Yes!" Tony Called. He lifted peter and placed him in.
"Where is Bruce?! Steve, grab a bucket!" Called Tony. Peter clasped his hand to his mouth. Steve grabs the bucket and holds it while Peter pukes.
"Dr.Banner is arriving now." FRIDAY announced.
Banner then went to access Peters condition.
"Let's get him to Medi-Bay. There is only so much that I can do. He's going to need an IV. He's pretty dehydrated."
Steve quickly picks up Peter and heads to the elevator with the others in tow. Once they reach the Medical wing Steve lays Peter on a exam table while Bruce gets an IV set up. Once it's in Peter they see that his vitals are stabilizing and his temp is going down.
"How ya feeling Kid?" Asked Tony.
"B..better. Really tired."
"Go ahead and sleep. You will feel better." Replies Steve.
Once Peter was asleep the avengers were able to breath a sigh of relief that he was in no danger of dying due to this sudden illness.

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