2.) bullying

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Another random I wrote a longggg time ago so apologies of the terrible writing. Also pls know
That bullying is never right.

TW🚨 SH/mention only slightly nothing graphic

Peter was at school when he got pushed into a locker. He opened his eyes to see The bully flash. That kid was a jerk and seemed to hate Peter. Peter never did anything against him. The kid just hated him.
"Why ya here loser?" Flash asked.
"Umm.. cause I'm a teen. This is high school."
"Ya, but your a loser!"
"What ever flash. Leave me alone."
Flash punched Peter. Square in the face. The second punch that was coming, Peters spider sensors alerted him so he ducked and blocked. Peter never hit. Tony Stark would be mad if he fought him in school. Once Flash heard the school bell he huffed angrily and stormed off. Peter was tired of being bullied. He acted tough at school but when peter got home he hated everything. It wouldn't stop. He don't want to tell an avenger cause they may make a big scene or tell him to grow up. Peter never told Tony. He would probably go ballistic on Flash. He sorta wished he would though. Days went by and Flash never left him alone. On Monday the next week Peter faked sick.
"Peter, time to get up!" His Aunt May Called.
When Peter didn't answer Aunt May went up. Seeing that he was still in bed she pulled his covers off his head.
"Peter, your going to be late for school."
"Don't feel good." Replied Peter.
"What's wrong?" Aunt May Asked concern rising.
"Stomach hurts."
"Do you feel like your going to throw up?"
"Please. Don't say that around me..." Peter Said and pretended to gag a little. Peter covered his mouth make it realistic.
"Oh I'm sorry Peter, I'll set a trash by you Incase you need it. Do you want me to call Tony. Maybe he can help."
"No, it's ok, I just want to sleep." Peter replied, closing his eyes.
"Try to sleep." With that Aunt May left. Once peter heard the Tv go on he jumped out of bed. He headed to the bathroom. He grabbed a sharp object.. he never did this before.. he just had to try. He grabbed his wrist and scratched till it started bleeding. The pain felt good, a little. He heard footsteps so he hid the object and filled his mouth with water and went to the toilet.
"Peter? You ok?" His Aunt Asked.
Peter coughed and spit the water into the toilet, pretending to throw up.
"I..I'm ok, be out in a second." Peter Called. He flushed the water and made it look like he had gotten sick.
"Oh, hunny you don't look good, let me call Tony."
"No, I'm ok, it's just an upset stomach."
"Ok, if you insist." Aunt May have Peter a kiss and left.
Aunt May, wasn't having it.
"Hello, Stark speaking." Tony's voice came over the phone line.
"Hi Tony, it's May. Peters aunt."
"What's going on Ms.Parker?"
"Peters Sick."
"Sick? How? He doesn't get sick. (Steve have Banner come here.)" Tony Asked then Called Steve over.
"He threw up. He doesn't have a fever though."
"Want me to come check on him?" Tony Asked. Then spoke off phone with Bruce.
"He didn't want me to call you."
"Well, I'm headed over now, Dr.Banner gave me meds for him." With that the call ended.
"Hey, Peter, you awake?" Aunt May Asked.
"Hm?"Peter Asked as he rolled over.
"Tony's coming over."
"I..I'm worried, he's coming over to check on you." Then a knock on the door ended the conversation.
"That's probably him, man that was fast"
"He's Iorn man, he can fly."
Aunt May went down to open the door to see Tony deactivate his Iorn man suit and he walked in after saying hi to May.
"Where is he?" Tony Asked.
"In his bed."
Tony walked up the stairs and saw Peter nestled under blankets.
"Hey kid, heard you aren't feeling good, can you tell me why?" Tony Asked as he sat in the edge of the bed. He secretly had jarvice run a medical scan over the kid.
"I..I'm ok mr.stark, it's just a stomach ache. I'll be ok." Peter replied.
"Want me to take you to HQ so Banner can do some test?"
"No, I'm ok." Peter tried.
"When was the last time you threw up?"
"U..m.. Aunt May Called you after I did."
"Do you want me to take you to the tower? Banner can run tests to find out why your sick." Tony Asked again.
"Honestly, I'm ok Mr.Stark." Peter replied, knowing if Banner did test he could probably find out he is faking. He didn't want the avengers helping him.
"Look kid. I hate to do this but you shouldn't be puking. I'm going to have to pull rank here. Get some clean clothes on, I'll fly you over to the tower. If your cleared by Banner then I'll have happy drive you home. Otherwise your a guest in the tower till your well." Tony's voice left no room for argument.
Peter Nodded slowly. He changed and followed Tony to the door. Tony put on his suit and picked up Peter and flew off. Only Tony didn't land at the tower right away. He went to a roof top near the tower. He set peter down.
"W..is your suit acting up Mr.Stark?" Peter Asked.
"No, but you are."
"W..what do you..."
"Cut it kid, your not sick, I asked Jarvice to run a scan when I got to your bed. Your temp is normal and I smelt nothing. And Vomit smells. Why didn't you go to school." Tony cut Peter off, more like in a father way than an annoyed billionaire.
"I..I don't want to get attacked again."
"What do you mean attacked? Like bullies?" Concern in his voice, Tony sat and peter did the same.
"There is a kid in school, flash, he hates me, picks on me and punches me. Thanks to my quick healing the bruise fade fast."
"Goodness kid, why didn't you tell someone? Instead of freaking out your aunt and half the avengers. They are all wondering if your ok." Tony Asked as he sighed.
"I..I'm sorry Mr...Stark.. I.. I don't want to act weak." Peter started to cry.
"Kid, your not weak for telling someone that your being bullied, in fact it's actually brave to stand up for yourself. Why take the punches when you can stand up for yourself without hand to hand combat. Rogers was bullied."
"Steve, Captain America was Bullied?" Peter croaked. His throat dried from crying.
"Ya, Use to be skinny and sickly. He got punched and punched lot. But he never let it get him down. Bullies won't back down till you actually get help. You need to stand up." Tony told him. Tony would never tell a soul but he felt like peter was his son.
"I..I'm sorry I.. lied."
"We can talk about that later. I've got a tower full of worried avengers and I've got a few guest over who are concerned because I told them there was a medical situation with someone. Let's go to the tower and have Bruce do a once over to make sure there isn't anything hidden under your skin from that bully. I want to make sure your not getting an infection with all the cuts that are still healing. Where did the one on your arm come from?" Tony Asked.
"Which one?" Peter tried to play dumb.
"This one." Tony grabbed Peters arm and showed the cut.
"Um, flash.." he tried.
"Sure, but if you keep that path, it ain't gonna end well." Tony winked.
"I.. I had to try, but I know your right.. I'm sorry." Peter put his head down.
"Kid, been a teen is hard, being half teen and part spider senses is harder. I understand but you can come to one of us if your struggling. Don't lie to us and don't try to handle it this way, it isn't going to get you anywhere." Tony told him and pointed to his wrist. Tony then reactivated his suit and picked up Peter and flew to the tower.
Once Tony landed he let peter go and stepped out of his suit. He waked Peter to the Medbay where Bruce was waiting, Concern showing in his brow.
"How ya feeling Peter?" Asked Bruce who helped him into a bed.
"I'm ok Bruce."
"Tony said you threw up, when?"
"I..I um.. faked it..." Peter looked down. Tears in his eyes, Peter blinked them away.
"Why? You have me worried." Bruce Asked as he set down a medical device.
"I..I'm... being bullied... i.. faked sick so I wouldn't have to handle the bullying today. My aunt freaked when I faked sick and called Tony.. I already told him. I didn't want to look weak. I wanted to keep it quiet... I just didn't want to get anyone involved."
"Your not weak for being bullied. It happens, it's just how you handle it. I wish you would have told someone sooner so we could have gotten it sorted out." Banner replied. Suddenly there were a bunch of avengers that walked in. A few started asking if Peter was ok, If they needed medical assistance.
"Guys, quiet down! All this noise isn't going to help Peters Sensory issues." Banner called seeing that peter was now covering his ears. Once the room was deathly quiet Banner spoke up.
"Peter is ok. He isn't sick.. but he is unwell. I need to run a few test. Please leave Peter alone for a while and Tony and I will talk and see what the best course of treatment is. Now go so I can work." Banner said. Every one but Tony left.
"Look, Peter, your going to have to tell them eventually. They are smart." Banner told him as he sat by peter.
"I know.."
"Bruce, can you give him a once over, he has some cuts still healing from this bully, I want to make sure there is no infection." Tony Asked.
"Sure, Peter please lay down." Bruce grabbed the medical tool he set down and did some test, drew blood and made sure Peter wasn't hiding anything. Everything came back ok. He did see a slight infection growing in a wound but Banner put some cream on it. There wasn't much that Banner could do for the infection itself. If peter became sick it wouldn't be much except flu like symptoms.

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