3.) Food poisoning

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Sorry if this is weird I need more ideas also thank you Djhdjxjdjdjdj for the idea

While the Avengers(in plain clothing) were out and about, Tony, Thor, Steve, Clint And Peter headed to a local restaurant for food. They all ordered there food. While Peter waited for his food he headed to the bathroom. There was a small group of adults talking near by. While the food was being made one of the adults walked up to the counter and handed the cashier something. Then he returned to the seat. Peter came back as the food Arrived. After the Avengers finished eating they headed back to the tower. While peter was tinkering with his Webb shooters his stomach started feeling odd. Suddenly he has to run to the bathroom to avoid a mess. He sat there as it came and came. By the time it Finished he felt miserable and sick. He felt like he was going to throw up.
"U..m..F.R.I.D.A.Y... where's.. wheres Tony?" Asked Peter
"Currently in his lab.. shall I alert him of your distress?" Asked the AI.
"Um.. can you ask him? Just..please don't say what's wrong.. j..just say I have a question.."
"If you wish."
Peter sat on his bed.. trying not to puke.
"Hey Pete, got your call from Friday. What's up? Webb shooters acting up...I thought you could handle..... t.. peter, what's wrong? This isn't about the web shooters is it?" Asked Tony and he saw Peters face.
"Mister..s'trk.. I..i don't feel so good... something isn't right..."
"I can see.. what's wrong? Tony Asked as he knelt by.
"M..my stomach.. it's...upset."
"You mean like throwing up?"
"I feel like that but it's the other thing."
"Aw crap.. that isn't good. Umm. Go back to the bathroom and try to let it get all out. Bring a trash can in too, I'm going to find someone that has more knowledge on this.. you ok for now?" Asked Tony as he stood.
"I..Don't feel good."
"Head to the bathroom.. I'll be back shortly." With that Tony left to get that assistance. He grabbed Clint.
"Hey Clint your up!"
Called Tony.
"Up for what?"
"Peters Sick. Your a dad, fix him!" Tony added.
"Sick? What is bothering him?" Clint looked up from the bow he was working on.
"His stomach."
"That is the worst, where is he?" Clint Asked.
"Your telling me...he's miserable. I told him to stay in the bathroom since he felt really sick ."
"Is he throwing up?" Asked Clint as he got a few things together.
"He said he just felt sick.. it was more from the other end. F.R.I.D.A.Y can you give me an update." Asked Tony.
"Peter is currently still in the bathroom trying to, get it all out, per your request, his vitals are slightly elevated."
"Ok Keep me updated F.R.Y." With that Tony and Clint headed to help Peter.
Clint knocked on the bathroom door.
"Hey pete. It's Clint, heard your stomach was actin up, can I come in and see if I can help?"
"I..I'm ok... just feeling uncomfortable."
"Ya.i don't blame you. Can I get you anything?"
"Some water... I'm a little light headed."
"Your dehydrated. Tony, can you get some? And some kind of drink with electrolytes. We need to rehydrate him." Clint Asked.
"Do you want to lay down? Think your stomach is ok for that?" Asked Clint to peter as he left the bathroom. His face pale and sweaty, hands around his stomach and also holding the trash can. Tony quickly walked out of the bathroom.
"I'm don't know."
"Ok, let's wait, no need to rush just to make you sick again. Have you vomited yet?"
"No.. almost."
"Ok, we will try to get some water and a sports drink in ya to help stop you from coming dangerously dehydrated. When did this start?"
"A..about an hour after eating lunch."
"Maybe it's food poisoning... want me to ask Bruce to do a test to confirm?"
"I don't know I..um..." Pete started saying when he started feeling the tell tale signs that he was about to lose his lunch... he just wasn't sure which way again.
"What's wrong Pete? Need to go back to the bathroom?" Clint asks.
"Got everything I could, water, bubbly water, sprite, ginger ale, different sports drinks." Tony says as he comes in with three bags of different drinks, "star spangled shorts advised me to get
The ginger ale, says it's good for stomachs."
"I don't feel so good Uncle Clint. Pete said, holding his stomach and trying to keep from throwing up.
"If you need to throw up, let it happen." Clint said as he sat by pete and rubbed his back and held the trash for pete.
Tony was tying something on his phone.
"Banner is on his way... oh pete I'm sorry" Tony says when Peter starts to gag but nothing comes.
"It's ok pete, don't fight it" Clint says
Pete leans forward and heaves and starts throwing up, but he also threw up harder when he felt his stomach go out the other end... he hoped no one could tell.
Clint heard and said nothing knowing it would bother Pete right now.
"Pete, think u have time to go to the bathroom before the next round?" Clint asked when Pete stopped throwing up.
"I..idk, I.. I think something happened.." Peters face got red.
"Tony, go grab me a towel please and get doctor banner, tell him we need to run more tests." Clint asked.
Then Banner comes in, sees the situation and knows exactly what's happening.
"Peter, when you ate lunch, did you notice anything different about ur meal?"
"Um, I saw a something that looked like specks of white but I didn't think anything about it.. I need to go to the bathroom." Pete says
Clint helps Peter stand and wrap the towel around him so no one could see the mess he actually made.
Tony stripped the bed and dropped it down the laundry shoot.
While Pete was still sick in the bathroom Banner figured out it was probably something someone put in his food to hurt Peter but they didn't know of his mutation so it made him develop food poisoning. When Peter had nothing else to throw up or anything going out the other end, Clint helped Peter back in bed after he got new pjs on. Due to the amount of fluids Peter lost, Banner set up and IV to help Peter.
Peter fell asleep with Tony on the chair next to him.  Friday may or may not have snapped a picture when the rest of the avengers left.

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