Chapter 1: Colorado

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Cassie POV

Alex and I looked out the window, Colorado, interesting place, we still had an hour to go so not landing at that time. I was expecting more, I think. Well California was hot, Colorado seemed cold. I wasn't really interested in anything right now though, I just kept playing with my hands. Alex took a photo of me looking out the window. I glared at him.

"Hey, don't," I tried to take his phone, "I don't want my photo taken right now, Alex."

"Sorry, Cass, I wanted to take a photo of you, new place."


I sighed leaning back into the chair, rubbing my face, my head was really starting to hurt. I haven't slept much and cried mostly, Jordan and Alex tried to help. Though there wasn't much they could do. Jordan put his number into my phone though it's a flip phone it wasn't anything special just something to call mom and Alex. Though since we had gotten on the first flight to Colorado, and it was an emergency. I leaned on the window and sighed, Alex rubbing my back concerned plastered on his face.

"Are you two, alright?" The flight attendant came over, she had shown us around and we got to take the first seats, we decided to sit a little near the wings of the plane since she said it wouldn't bounce as much being it was my first time flying. 

"We are doing okay," Alex told her kindly, 

"Want anything to drink?"

"2 Ginger ale's please, but any chance we can keep them in the can?" Alex said, 

"Sure can," she smiled, "I'll be back in a bit with it."

Finally, the flight attendant headed to the next person. I sighed, leaning onto Alex's lap, he ran his hand through my hair.

"Don't feel good?" Alex asked.

I shook my head at his question. The motion making me want to throw up anything and everything I have eaten since then. Jordan had gotten us something to eat, but I was too upset to eat much, and he took me to the bathroom so I could cry because I didn't want to do it there. Alex kept running his hand in my hair. He was on his phone. 

Alex has always been a very supportive brother, though he still has his moments that he is a brat, but he does love me a lot. 

Once the soda can's came Alex handed me on and set the other on my head. When it was time to land, I sucked in my breath and after landing and getting off the plane we got our things and walked with the person to the exit. Alex was holding onto my hand. I thought about the night before, as we walked.

****8 hours earlier***

"Cassidy let's go we are gonna be late and I am going to be angry," Alex said sternly. 

"I am just grabbing my lunch."

"I have it," he said waving around the lunch pal.  We headed out to school; he texted mom that we were leaving. 

Sacramento, California in September is hot, it's always hot in California. Though I am surprised that nothing was on fire this year, usually in September we get notice that something, somewhere was on fire in California. Mom had left super early this morning; I had been so tired that I hadn't gotten up to wish her safe travels or anything. The day was going by pretty normally; I went to school with my elder brother Alex. He seemed to be in deep thought, but he usually doesn't tell me what is bothering him. So, I tend to leave him alone when he is like that just because I know it would piss him off if I pushed his buttons too much.

I texted mom, to see what she wanted for dinner, before heading to school, I looked at my phone on lunch break. She was calling me. I smiled.

"Hi Mom?"

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