Chapter 3 Letter

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Alex POV

It's been three weeks since we started living with our brothers. Halloween would be at the end of the month, though Halloween is Cassie's favorite time of year since mom would always let her stock up on candy. She was looking at costumes online with Bubba last night and really wanted to be a Hermione this year. Said and I quote we all should do Harry potter and that Bubba has to be Hagrid. She honestly gave everyone a character, I apparently along with Emmett are the Weasley twins. I'm not too big on dressing up, but I like seeing Cassie smile and happy, so I'll go along with it.

I was getting into the schedule to get my work down and meet my weekly quota with my work. I ran in the morning, since I like running, and the fun thing is, my horse, Spirit runs with me when he is out. It's rather cute. I ran to the end of the drive and got the mail each morning and sometimes at night. As long as it wasn't dark, Bubba would allow it. If it was then I had to run near the house to get any excess energy out. Morgan tried looking for a track team, but he was talking to the private school, and I might be able to join since I'll be attending next year. Though I might not be able to compete just yet. I got the mail and looked through it, paused at a letter in blue pen.

It was a letter addressed to Amelia Remington's children, from Sacramento Police Department. I paused looking at the letter and who it was from, Sacramento Police Department was at the top along with a name, Hank Hackman. I paused thinking about the report I had read on the matter. Taking a big breath, I opened it as I walked, then froze in my tracks:

To the children of Amelia Remington.

There are no words that I can say to you that will make what I did better. I took your mother from you. I am so very sorry. I know I have brought you pain and anguish. I cannot ask you for your forgiveness as I would not forgive anyone who did the same thing, I have done to you. What I want is for you to drop any charges on me, so that I can go home to my daughter and wife. I am so sorry, to ask this of you, I know it is a lot. Please find it in your heart to let me go home to my daughter. Best regards, Hank.

Anger pulsated though me, oh hell no. I just put it back into the envelope. stuffing it into my jacket pocket. I didn't want his apologies; I didn't want anything from him. I wanted him not to be fucking stupid and drive drunk, run a red light and killed my mom. I remember the lecture the chief of police gave my school just last year since some kids were drinking and got into a lot of trouble. The main thing I remember is "if it makes you feel different then, your driving will be different." I know where this letter is going, the freaking fireplace.

I decided to walk back to the house, Spirit walked by me. I was pissed and didn't want my brothers asking me what was up. So, I'll be taking my time getting back home. I should probably show them, but I didn't want too right now or maybe ever. I played with my hands a little, Spirit made a sound, and I smiled up at him.
"Hey, Spirit, think they will get mad if I ride with no saddle, I've seen Emmett do it a few times already."

I smiled at him walking to the fence, Spirit, had been abused and hurt. I looked at the scar on his nose when his stupid owner who I hoped got the same treatment he put Spirit got in jail. From what Morgan told me, the owner whipped him literally. The riding whips aren't used for punishments it's to direct them. When I first met him, he tried eating my hair. The thought made me smile.

Emmett had been showing me around the barn and I saw him in the stall. He looked interesting, so I had approached him. And when I had turned around, he started trying to eat my hair.

Emmett had been surprised at how he took to me. Everyone had been worried he would throw me off when I got on him, I had been a little worried since it had been a bit since I was riding by myself. He had taken off and thrown. Knocked the wind out of me but I was fine.

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