Chapter 4 Cassie's Halloween

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Cassie POV

"BUBBA!" I ran down the stairs. Halloween is one of my absolute favorite holidays! I tend to act a little younger than I am according to Alex. Whatever! It's free candy! I jumped off the second stair, going to run down the hall to Bubba's office when Luke caught me, swatting me hard five times for running in the house for the second time today.

"Run again and you'll be getting more before we leave Cassidy, you know better," he chided. "And Bastian is in a meeting, you are to wait until he is finished before talking to him."

"Sorry, Luke," I said trying to look and sound sorry and then I walked fast to Bubba's office. Lately Bubba has been a little more strict, he won't tell me what it is about. He was in a meeting again, and I paused, he saw me but held up a finger with a smile. I bounced with anticipation while he was on the call.


He held up a finger again, his eyebrows going together as he continued the conversation, finally he hung up the phone and I bounced with joy as he finally finished. He turned to me giving me his attention.

"Yes, Cassie?"

"Look!" I spun around, my brothers had gotten me a Gryffindor outfit, I was Hermione this year. I had on all Gryffindor stuff, including a hat and scarf that surprisingly enough Morgan made for me! And Morgan learned how to do my hair to look like Hermione's though it wasn't quite right it was close though and that was all that mattered.

"You look great, Miss. Granger."

I giggled at him, "It's just a costume! "

He chuckled, and pulled me between his knees, "Alright, I want to go over a little bit of rules with you though. Hermione is all about rules, isn't she?"

"I guess, she is but I am the rule breaking twin," I played with him a little, seeing if I can get him to smile, he raised an eyebrow at me. Okay, no smile.

"Well rule breaking twin of Hermione might not be able to go trick or treating if she breaks these rules," Bubba said sternly, "And will get a spanking if she breaks them even if I don't get to tell her. You sure you don't want to know."

"I'm just playin' Bubba. What do you wanna tell me?"

"There are a lot of kids trick or treating, you will stay near us as we walk the streets, you will not to go running off, I do not care what you see. If you want to go, you tell us, understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Because if you do run off young lady you will be in so much trouble that you won't know what to do. I am very serious about this. I want you to hold one of our hands if the crowds start getting too large, or I tap you on the shoulder. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Sir." I said softly, a little scared. "I won't run off and I'll hold yours or someone's hand at all times."

"Good, now once your candy bucket is full, we will go home, unless something happens before that."

"I have it," I told him holding up my pillowcase and he paused, "It is the time to get candy."

"Yes, it is," he chuckled looking at the pumpkin bucket he had gotten for me, it hadn't been large enough, "before you eat your candy though I do need to go through it."

"Ugh, Why?" I asked rolling my eyes and stomped my foot. Bubba turned me and gave me a hard smack to my bottom I instantly looked down. He was not playing at all.

"I am in no mood to deal with any attitude from you or your brothers. So you best drop it now, and sometimes people put things in the candy, so I have to get any tricks out of your candy before you eat it. So to speak."

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