Chapter 2 Part 2

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I'd spent the summer working as much as I could as the baby grew inside of me. I was due in September and I planned on continuing with my classes, but things just didn't work out. The baby had come, a girl, Elizabeth. While my labor and delivery was uneventful, the timing made it impossible for me to take fall classes. I'd planned on going to school in spring, but between trying to pay for rent, diapers and trying to save up for tuition, I'd decided to take the rest of the year off. I planned to work all summer like I'd done when I was pregnant, but with an infant, I just couldn't seem to get myself on my feet.

I'd tried to get child support from Jake, but you can't get blood from a stone. He didn't have a job, so there were no wages to garnish. The best I got was that I'd get back support when he graduated and did get a job. Little good that did me now as my rent was due again and since I'd stopped going to school, my student loans were due.

Alice had been a life saver. She'd decided to move in with me to help out watching Elizabeth and to pay rent. My parents were divorced and while they were loving and supportive, didn't have money to pay for school. My dad offered for me to come home and live with him and the baby, but I just wanted to do it on my own. Moving back home would for sure be an end to my college dream.

So there I was, looking for jobs with Alice helping, or not helping. The fall semester was starting in three weeks and Elizabeth was nearing her first birthday. I hoped that I'd have enough money saved up by now to at least take one class, but it didn't look like that was going to happen.

"Maybe you can ask the restaurant to give you a few more shifts," Alice said, looking at the employment section with me.

"I've tried that," I said. "I've got as much as they will give. I just need a better paying job."

We were silent in the kitchen looking at the paper when Alice joked. "Hey, I might have found a job that kills two birds with one stone."

I could tell from her tone she wasn't serious, but I needed a laugh, so I humored her. "Oh, and what job is that?"

"Wet nurse," she laughed, pointing to an ad. "Says that the pay is negotiable."

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