Chapter 2 Part 6

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"And you are?" he asked over the crying of the infant. He held the baby closer and I wondered if he thought I was an intruder. Being as popular as he was, he must have had tons of stalkers.

"Bella... um Esme asked me to come."

He relaxed some but he still looked on edge. It appeared he hadn't shaven in a few days, though somehow he just looked even sexier. "Have you seen her? She was going to help me with my son."

His son? Oh I'd read in the tabloids that he and Tanya Denali were having a baby. I guess he'd been born. Then it hit me. His baby was the one my milk was for! Before I could even respond to his question Esme came up behind him.

"Try this," she said handing him a bottle.

"If that's the organic formula, I just tried it. Didn't last five minutes. I think it's time to let them admit Charlie and put him on an IV."

"Yes, that's your decision, but would you please just try this." He raised his eyebrows. "It's breast milk," she responded to his unasked question.

Edward took the bottle and held it up looking at it. For some reason his inspection made me blush."Is it safe?"

"Yes it's safe. It's what babies are supposed to drink. And before you ask, the mother is healthy."

"Where the hell did you get breast milk?" he asked over the constant crying of the baby.

"Me," I said causing him to turn and once again look at me. Clearly he'd forgotten I was in the room.

"Please, just try it," Esme said making him look back at his crying son.

"Fine, but right after, I'm taking him in."

I watched as Edward lowered the bottle and the baby began to suck greedily. He gulped it down, much too fast I thought, but I surely wasn't going to say anything. There had only been two ounces in the bag. The first ounce was gone within two minutes. Charlie was still sucking like crazy as the second ounce was disappearing rapidly.

"I'll warm more," Esme said rushing from the room.

Edward looked up at me with the same brown eyes that had looked so familiar on Esme. I'd stared into them in dozens of movies. "This is the sad part. He gets so sick. It's like he's starving, but the moment it fills his little tummy it just all comes back up." Again my heart was breaking for this man and his son. "He rarely takes in a whole ounce. I guess it just shows how hungry he is."

He finished the second ounce and started to fuss again. "I can't believe he drank two whole ounces!" Edward exclaimed and gave me that smile that had made him millions of dollars.

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