Chapter 2 Part 7

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Esme came rushing into the room and handed Edward the second bottle. He held it to Charlie's lips who began to suck in earnest again, though not as greedily as he had the first time. His sucking slowed and within a few minutes he fell asleep in Edward's arms, a bit of milk dribbling down his cheek.

Edward didn't look up, just stared at his son. I could tell he was waiting for him to get sick. Five minutes went by, though it felt like a half hour. We stood there in silence finally a loud sound came from Charlie's diaper making all three of us laugh.

Edward moved to a chair in the room and sat, still holding his son in his arms. Esme indicated a couch where she and I sat.

"If you don't mind just waiting a few more minutes?" she asked politely.

"I'm in no rush," I responded, thinking how many women would kill to be sitting in Edward Cullen's study.

"Tell me about your daughter," Esme said leaning forward and looking genuinely interested.

"Well, Elizabeth is going to be one in about a month. As I said earlier, she's weaning herself and is eating all solid food now. She has four teeth. Two are on the top, and two are on the bottom. She's not walking yet, but she kind of walks on her knees and does this scoot crawl thing."

"I love when they do that. I miss that age," Esme responded.

We continued talking in hushed tones, sharing bits of information about our daughters. Before I knew it half an hour had passed.

"I don't believe it. He's keeping down nearly three ounces?" Edward said looking up and speaking for the first time since we'd sat down.There were tears in his eyes. He looked directly at me. "How can I ever thank you? Let me pay you. How much do you want for this? Esme, can you get me my wallet? I don't even want to move him. I'm just going to hold him and see how long he sleeps."

He was rambling and it was adorable. "Esme already paid me. Quite well actually. I brought six bags of milk so that should get you two more feedings."

Edward stared at me and there was panic again. "Then what? How much more can I get? Whatever she paid you, I'll double it."

My mouth fell open. "No, that's not necessary. The thing is, I only have like, maybe a dozen bags." I chewed on my lip trying to think of a solution.

"Does your daughter need it too?" he asked in a much softer voice. "I wouldn't want you to deprive your own child. I'm sorry I even asked."

"No, it's not that," I replied quickly. "It's just that I don't have that much. I could keep pumping more. I'm just not sure I could keep up with him if it's his only source of food."

Edward looked confused. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm naive. How did you keep up with your own baby then?"

"Well, by nursing, regular nursing," I answered. "I just produce more when it's was her and not the pump. I think that's true of most women," I added and Esme nodded.

"I guess I'll take anything I can get. I'll buy all twelve bags if they are for sale, and any more that you can come up with. "

"I'll pump again when I get home and in the morning. I have work tonight. I could bring what I have in the morning, if that's alright."

"Thank you... Bella right?"

I nodded. "Yes, Bella Swan."

"Just tell Seth at the gate who you are and he will let you in."

"Thank you,"I said, then stood.

"No, thank you." Edward stood and Charlie shifted in his sleep but didn't wake. "I do have one request. Please don't tell anyone about this. The tabloids would have a field day."

I nodded. He was right. They wouldn't understand at all. "I won't tell anyone about this."

"Thank you again, Bella. See you tomorrow."

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