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Tanjiros POV:

Ah it's a new day "Tanjiro!! it's time to wake up now, you need to move fast because time is running! you'll get to the school late and get scolded by your teacher again!" Mom wakes me up by her loud shout, "I hate waking up in the morning" I said with a grumpy face while going downstairs, Mom had made Pancakes and Bacon this Breakfast and i Love it! Mom made the Best foods in the world!

After i ate my breakfast i take my suppressants and i take a look on the clock and it's 7:13!!!! THE SCHOOL STARTS AT 7:30 AND I HAVEN'T EVEN WASHED MYSELF!!! OR EVEN BRUSH MY TEETH! I said to my mind shocked.

I rushed upstairs to wash myself quickly and brush my teeth too, Nezuko just left because her class is gonna start early today, after i finished washing myself and brushing my teeth, "Don't forget to bring your suppressants!" Mom shouted downstairs as i put on my school uniform "Yes Mom!" I responded and runs fast to the car.

As i entered the school i run as fast as i could, i fanally reached the classroom and the time was 7:32 gladly the class hasn't started yet because the Teacher is talking to someone, I sit down to my chair and drinking water.

After The Teacher finished talking with some stranger the class started and we say goodmornings to each other, "You may sit" The Teacher said as we sit in our chair "Everybody quiet! There's a New student that just transferred into our school. the Teacher said, "Come in here, Everyone Meet Muichiro Tokito he's 18yrs old!" We all welcomed The new student which is Muichiro and he sat down beside me.

Few hours later i feel so hot, And I know what's happening Right now.. "But i took my suppressants this morning.." i said to my mind.

I raised my hand to tell the Teacher to excuse myself to go to the restroom, And the teacher said okay.

As soon as I reached to the restroom i felt my legs numb and dropped myself.

Someone entered the restroom and It's Zinetsu. My Best friend, he was shocked to see me in Heat... "Tanjiro!! what happened?!" he said shocked.."I don't know what happened either" i responded. "Did you take your suppressants this morning Tanjiro?"Zinetsu asked "Yes I'm sure i took my suppressants this morning" I said while panting.

"Don't worry stay here, I'm going to find a stronger ones alright?" Zinetsu said "Alright" i responded.

31mins passed by and finally Zinetsu find some suppressants.

(TIME SKIP) I'm lazy sorry²

I just got back to the classroom but the classes is over, and it was lunch time. I pick up my bag of luch and someone tapped my shoulder and i turned around to see Muichiro..

"Hey are you alright earlier?"he said
"Oh uh yes I'm fine!"i responded
"Please atleast try to hide the smell"
I blushed from embarrassment
"Oh! I'm very sorry about that!" i said bowing my head."He's an Alpha?!"i said in my mind.
He said okay and he walks with his Twin brother Yuichiro to get some luch, and i ran towards Nezuko to go to the roof to eat lunch with the others.

The bell rang and all students came to their own classrooms including Me, Nezuko, Zenitsu,Inosuke and Kanao.

We ran to our own classrooms, as soon the class started, i put my things down at my table and sit down at my chair.

Spend some more time with me please? (Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now