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Tanjiro's POV

I feel someone caressing my cheeks as i opened my eyes and saw Tokito-san beside me.

"Morning Tanjiro" he said to me sweetly and kisses my forehead.

"Morning Tokito-san!" i respond quickly and smiles.

Muichiro: Put on some clothes because we are leaving, and also we're going to a cafe for breakfast alright.

I nodded and puts on some clothes excitedly. I packed my things as well as Tokito-san.

Muichro: Let me carry your bad Tanjiro, I can tell your bag is heavy.

Tanjiro: No need Tokito-san! I can carry my bag!

He didn't listen to me and just carried my bag, I was worried that his shoulder will go numb.

"Tokito-san!!! I can carry my heavy bag, Come on give my bag to me!!" i said while pouting my mouth.

"Nope" he responded like he didn't care T-T

" *Sigh* Alright..."  i replied.

We arrived at the parking lot, and walked forward to the car, Tokito-san opens the trunk to place the bags there, and we both entered the car as Tokito-aan start the engine, i fasten my seatbelts as well as Tokito-san and He starts to drive.

I asked Tokito-san if we can go at the bakery store to buy some buns(Tanji's fav) earlier.

We arrived at the bakery store to buy some buns and it's just 2 dollars each!, I asked Tokito-san if we can buy five buns, He nodded smiling, I blushed and also smiles.

While Tokito-san ordered some coffees, I ate the buns inside the car and left some 2 buns for Tokito-san, He arrives at the car and goes inside and eat breakfast with me.

"Haaa!!! The buns is so yummy, you should try some Tokito-san!! That's why i left some for you! I said sweetly to Tokito-san.

"You should've eaten it, But Thanks Tanjiro" He responds Sweetly while kissing my cheeks.

"Hehe, Your welcome Tokito-san😋" I replied blushing.

Muichiro: Should i take you home?

Tanjiro: Hmm, i still don't want to, i wanna spend some more time with you!

Muichiro: You need to ho home, we have classes tomorrow, Maybe after the classes we can spend some time together. :)).

My eyes sparkles when he said that, I nodded quickly, I love spending time With Tokito-san!.

Muichiro: Alright let's get going now!

Tanjiro: Yes! let's go! Hehe.


We arrived at my Home.

"Goodbye for now Tanjiro see you tomorrow!"  he said while kissing my cheeks and forehead.

Spend some more time with me please? (Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now