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Tanjiro wakes up to the sun peaking through the window, he sits up to the bed as he look at every corner of the room where he was sleeping, suddenly all the memories flodded back from last afternoon.

He suddenly goes forward to the door, suddenly someone opens it, it was Muichiro.

Tanjiro falls into Muichiro who was standing infront of him Muichiro was Shocked.

Tanjiro stands up and apologize as he bows to the other.

"I'm very sorry Tokito-san! i bumped into you." Taniro said.

"Ah. It's alright Tanjiro no need to apologize and bow to me" Muichiro responded sweetly.

Tanjiro blushes to the others action, "The breakfast is ready, come downstairs we also need to explain some things to my gramps and my brother." Muichiro said to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro nods as he follows the other downstairs, He sits at the chair and greets Yuichiro and Muichiro's gramps, all of them start to eat silently.

Yoriichi (Gramps) breaks the silence by questioning the two boys (Muichiro and Tanjiro).

Yoriichi : Muichiro explain to me why you came home late with Tanjiro.

Muichiro explains everything with Tanjiro to Yoriichi and Yuichiro (lazy me sorry²).

Yoriichi and Yuichiro was shocked on what happend last night.

"You're growing up my son, he really fits for you though" Yoriichi said to Muichiro and Tanjiro teasingly.

"Gramps stop that! you're embarrassing me in front of Tanjiro!" Muichiro shouted.

"Tehee, is he your boyfriend now Muichiro? when is the wedding?" Yuichiro said while chuckling.

"Oh c'mon He's my Friend, i just helped him to get rid of his heat cycle last night!!!" Muichiro said while blushing.

Tanjiros' POV:

"I feel lonely all of the sudden, hmm should i call my mom?" I said to my mind.

I walked away upstairs ignoring the three people who's arguing in a teasingly way.

I grab my phone and i saw that there was a MANY MISSED CALLS FROM MY MOTHER?!?!?, I'm very sure I'll be dead when i get home...

I heard footsteps and I look forward to the door being busted open.

I saw Tokito-san, he walks up to me and said "Do you wanna go home?" "Ah! yes i can tell my mother is worried about me as well as my siblings" i responded.

"I'll bring you home if you want, I don't mind." Tokito-san said.

"No! no! i don't want to bother you!" i responded blushing.

"Alright, please go home safely." He said to me sweetly as he leans to me and kisses me to my cheeks.

I smiled also blushing, "Yes i will Tokito-san!, Thanks for letting me sleep in your place for a while" i said and kissed him to the cheeks.

Spend some more time with me please? (Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now