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Author's POV:

As Muichiro hits that guy hard, policies came to help Ms. Shinobu and Yuichiro to Stop Muichiro. Thankfully he stopped. He sat at a bench trying to calm himself down but he can't.

Suddenly a car passes by and stops at their location, Nezuko got out of the car and came running to her Mother who was instantly angry to that Man who just r***d her son.

Zenitsu got out of the car to as well as Inosuke followed by...

Muichiro's eyes widen, it was his lover, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro then ran to his mother and telling her to calm down.

Tanjiro's eyes then wandered around the surroundings, then his eyes landed to someone special to him. He then started to run worriedly to him and checks if he was okay.

Muichiro: I'm fine Tanjiro.. you... you shouldn't be here...you should not see me like this.

Tanjiro: Mui... i came here to check you guys especially you..i know you'd hit that man! But everything is going to be fine now, alright shall we go to the van? does that feel okay?

Muichiro then nodded, following Tanjiro with hold hands, he then sits at the back sit of the van with Tanjiro, Tanjiro then grab a tissue and wipes it in Muichiro's hands because it was full of bl**d.

Tanjiro; Mui look.. you need to control your self sometimes, okay? you need to calm or it'll get worse.

Tanjiro said while he was cleaning Muichiro's hands.

Muichiro, who is just staring to Tanjiro, suddenly Muichiro hugged him tight. He misses him so much.

Muichiro: I'm so sorry... i- i hurted you yesterday... I'm such a fool for hurting you that time I'm so sorry..

Tanjiro then Smile.

Tanjiro: Mui... It's fine i deserved it to be honest, i wasn't eating enough.

Tanjiro then cups both of his hands to Muichiro's cheeks, making both of them staring at each other.

Tanjiro: Everything will be okay, alright?

Muichiro then nodded.

Suddenly Muichiro kisses Tanjiro passionately, he misses him so much, he misses to touch him, talk to him, walk with him, eat with him, listen to song with him, and most lovable part is to date with him.

After that, both of them cuddles.

Tanjiro was blushing so much like he was about to explode-.

"I miss you..." Muichiro said while he places his head into his lover's Shoulder.

Tanjiro puts his hand to The other's head and closes his eyes.

"I miss you too... Mui." He said before His lover fell asleep in his shoulder.

Tanjiro's POV

He must've been tired...

I thought while patting Mui's Head...

Spend some more time with me please? (Muichiro x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now