chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ethans Pov

"Let's get drinks!!" Bella yelled.

"Hmm I don't know if I want to." I replied unsure.

"Oh c'mon! Please please Ethan" she said as she gave me puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine but quickly I got a lot of shit to do." I replied.

As soon as I said that she swerved to the cafe so fast. I held onto the door hook thingy.

"Gosh bell do you have to drive this fast?!" I yelled out.

"Yes," she replied with a grin.

God, I love her.

As we went into the cafe, she immediately dragged me to the counter and held onto my wrist to make sure I didn't run away.

"Hello! What would you like to order?" the cashier said.

"Hot chocolate please!" Bella said with a grin.

"and for you?" the cashier said with a small smile.

"Just a brownie please" I replied with a small smile of my own.

As the cashier went to make out food, I saw someone I didn't want to see. Jasper.

Fuck he's walking toward me.

"Can we wait outside please?" I said with a bit of worry in my tone.

"Uhm sure?" she said with confusion.

As we went outside the bell asked why I wanted to wait outside. I explained that I saw Jasper and that it looked like he was walking toward me.

"Oh my god I hate him so much. If he ever touches you, I will break all his bones in his body.'' Bella said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Haha thank you" I replied with a smile.

As we left with our drinks Bella drove me home and we went separate ways.

"Hello honey!" my mother yelled as she was in the kitchen.

"Hello mom!" I yelled with a smile even though she couldn't see it.

I made my way up to my bedroom and as I went to lay down on my bed, I felt a sudden pain in my stomach. I lifted up my hoodie and saw my bruises. Oh yeah... I sigh as I leave my bedroom looking for an ice pack.

"Why are you getting ice? It's the middle of winter." my mom said with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm uh it's for my drink" I managed to spit out.

"Ethan don't lie to me. Why would you drink a cold drink right now its freezing?  What is wrong? Are you hurt?" my mom asks with worry written all over her face.

My parents think I've been tripping off the stairs or just falling. They don't know the real reason and that is I'm scared they're going to make jasper angrier at me. knowing them they would probably call the police on him or something.

"No uh it's for my drink." I replied hoping she would just drop the topic. Unfortunately for me she didn't.

"Ethan showed me right now. "My mom demanded.

I sigh knowing I couldn't get my way out of this. I lifted up my shirt to show my mom the discolored patches on my stomach.

"Oh honey." she gasped "who did this to you? And don't say you fell."

"No one" I mumbled though I knew she wouldn't buy it.

"Please Ethan honey please tell me or else I'll have to tell your dad." she said. I finally gave up.

"I-I can't say who but I'm fine really!" I stuttered out.

My mom sighed and nodded, letting me go and ice the bruise. After I finish icing and showering, I want to sleep, skipping dinner.


As morning came, I didn't have school. I went into the kitchen and got some food. I was starving. Maybe skipping dinner at night wasn't the best idea... anyways after I finished eating my mom called me into her room.

"Yes mom?" I wondered why she wanted me in her room.

"Honey, I know you've been getting hurt often and I don't think it's from you falling" she spoke out keeping eye contact with me.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

"I've decided to get you a bodyguard." my mom said.

"What? Mom I'm not 5 I don't need a bodyguard.'' I said with a bit annoyed. 

"Honey, it's for your own safety. Plus, he's only a year older than you and I think you will need him." she said.

Did my mom seriously think I'm not capable of taking care of myself? I mean I'm perfectly healthy other than me getting bullied... but still I don't need a whole bodyguard, plus wouldn't it be weird walking around with a protector or something like that?

"Uh mom I go to school how is he going to help me if he can't even go to school" I said still annoyed she thinks I'm a baby.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about him going to your school." my mom said with a small grin.


"Uhm who is he anyways?" I asked.

"I'm meeting him later this afternoon. Please be ready by 5:00 to meet him as well" my mom said.

"Fine," I mumbled.

I didn't need a bodyguard. I'm not a baby but whatever.

As soon as I finished talking with her about him, I went straight to my phone to text my friends about what had happened.

Group Chat

Ethan: guy you won't believe what I just found out!

Luke & Bella: What!?

Ethan: my mom hired a bodyguard for me cuz I'm always "hurt"

Bella: I'm sorry not to be mean or anything but HASHANAH.

Ethan: seriously? I hate you. My mom thinks I'm a baby or something for god's sake. I'm 17.

Luke: Who?

Ethan Bella: what?

Luke: Who's been hurting you? It better not be Jasper...

Ethan: uhm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh totally not him... but fr though don't do anything if you do, he's going to beat the shit outta me.

Luke: whatever no promise

Bella: don't do anything he may hurt him even more if he's kicked out of football cuz he has no reason to not hurt Ethan anymore.

Ethan & Luke: true

Ethan: Anyways I gotta go bye! Luke don't do anything.

Luke: ugh fine Cya

Bella: BYEEE

God my friends are so protective but I love them. 

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