Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ethan Pov

I left the bathroom limping, I tried to hurry to get to the car before Jasper dose anything else and thankfully he didn't. As I sat thinking how I'm going to explain this to him, I suddenly heard the side of the car open pulling me away from my thoughts. Lucifer then entered the car and started driving. The car drive was awkward and silent. Not one of us dared to speak. Suddenly I started to feel tired. I laid me head down onto the side of the car for a second, and before I knew it I was dozing off.


I woke up in my bed with bandages on my stomach and my arm. I looked around just to see no one. I suddenly remembered I was wearing a lucifer's hoodie and blushed a bit. Slowly, I got up groaning and holding my stomach from the pain. As I got up, I noticed a shadowy figure standing near the doorway.

"Oh, hey Ethan" Lucifer said, making me jump.

"Holy fuck you scared me." i said.

"Haha sorry" he said looking a bit sad.

"You, ok?" I asked worried I would upset him or something.

He sighed as he explained how he's really sorry how I got hurt and it was his fault.

"Lucifer, it wasn't your fault!" I said as he looked at me.

"But still." he sighed, "I'm really sorry..."

"It's ok," I said as I hugged him to make him feel better.

Thankfully he returned the hug.

"Do you want food?" he said as he let go of me.

I nodded and he gestured to me to follow him downstairs. He fixed me up a plate and then asked if I would be able to go to school tomorrow.

"I think I have a pretty big project due soon plus I have a test as well.'' I said as I started eating.

"Ok, but uhm can you tell me what happened?" he asked looking at me. "It's fine if you don't want to right now but please?" he pleaded.

"Later" I mumbled a bit embarrassed about how I got beat up.

He just nodded in response and went to wash his plate. After he was finished washing the dishes, he went up to his room leaving me alone.

Lucifers Pov

I still felt as if it was my fault that Ethan ended up like that. My job was to protect him, and it hasn't even been a week and I already failed. I sighed and went to take a shower. Ethan's mom was really nice and agreed to let me stay at their house.

After I finished showering, I went back into my room to do some schoolwork.

A few hours pass.

I look at the clock to see it's already 11pm. I should go check on Ethan and make sure he's sleeping. I went downstairs first to see if he's there and he isn't. I went back upstairs and as I'm about to knock on his door I heard a sob. A quiet, soft sob.

I slowly open the door saying, "Ethan?"

He immediately looked up. His room was dark and only had a desk lamp on.

He whipped his tears and he mumbled, "what do you need?" His voice was shaky and soft.

I went over to him, cupping his face and wiping his tears away.

"What's wrong?" I said softly.

He shook his head, meaning he didn't want to tell. I sighed hugging him. He returned the hug and started crying into my shoulder. After a while I stopped hearing his soft Crys, I looked at him to see him sleeping. I slowly lifted his head and put him onto his bed. As I got up, I felt a hand hold my wrist.

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