Chapter One

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Alia's POV

I landed next to a ship near Capital City. I helped Shocker out of his seat and pulled up my hood. We approached the vessel. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Shocker beeped. "Orders are orders. I need to make him proud." I said. 'That's all you ever want to do.' He beeped. "Who got their bolts in a bunch?" I asked and the ships ramp opened.

There stood five organisms and they were all pointing a blaster at me. "Who are you?" A man asked. "My name is Alia Billaba." I said recognizing him. His name was Caleb Dume now known as Kanan Jarrus. My master told me he killed my mother. His eyes widened. They were full of confusion and shock. "I'm guessing your name is Caleb Dume. My mother's old Padawan." I said walking up the ramp without invitation. 'What are you doing?' Shocker beeped. "Come on you rust bucket." I said and he followed me up the ramp. The crew lowered their blasters.

"Remove your hood." A lasat said. I pulled down my hood and shook out my long black hair. I saw the blue haired boys eyes widen. "Hi, the names Ezra." He said smirking and leaning against the wall. I laughed at him. "You're a funny little boy." I said. "Hey! I'm not little!" He shouted. "How old are you?" I asked taking a seat and putting my feet up on the table. "15. How old are you?" Ezra said/asked. "17." I said thinking about my birthday and smiling. "What are you smiling about?" The lasat spat at me. "I was just thinking about my birthday." I said dropping my smile then gazing at the ground remembering I may not see my Master for awhile. "What's wrong?" Ezra asked. "Oh nothing." I said looking up at him. "Well I'm Kanan, this is Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper." 'Kanan said. "I think I would rather call you Caleb." I said smiling at him. "I'm sorry about your mother." He said. "It's alright." I said thinking about how he killed her.

"Would you like to join the crew?" Ezra asked. I looked up at him. "Kid you have no idea how much trouble I can be.' I said smirking. Suddenly my com went off. "Excuse me for a second." I said. I pressed a button on my com. "How about that date?" Day's voice asked. "I told you I don't have time to go out with you!" I spat through my com. "Oh yea. Your master sent you out. Sorry about bothering you babe." He said. "I will have you beheaded if you don't shut up!" I spat. "Hey, hey, calm down. The more you yell the more I fall in love with you." Day said. "Bye Day! I'll call you later." I said turning off my com. The crew looked at me confused. "You have a boyfriend?" Sabine asked. "No. Day's just some annoying guy that constantly asks me out." I said irritated. "He must really like you." Hera said. "The feeling isn't mutual. Like I told him I don't have time to date. I mean we just went over this yesterday." I huffed. "What did he mean your Master?" Kanan asked. I pulled out my Mother's lightsaber and ignited it. It glowed a bright green.

"Do you miss your mother?" Ezra asked. "Very much." I said deactivating the lightsaber and tracing the hilt. "What was she like?" Ezra asked. "How should I know? I barely knew her!" I snapped. 'Woah calm down' Shocker beeped and bumped into my leg. I heard a ship land outside and felt a presence. I sighed and walked down the ramp to see Day climbing out of his X-Wing wearing white pants, a white shirt, and white boots. He shaggy brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Miss me?" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "You're so stupid." I said and turned on my heel. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around. He crashed his lips into mine and I quickly pushed him away. "You nerf herder!" I shouted. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it." He said. I slapped him across the face. "You wish." I said and looked back at the Rebels. They all looked at me shocked. "Nice sith eyes." Day whispered in my ear. I gasped and shook my head. All thoughts became light. My heart was racing and I felt dizzy. My legs gave out and I hit the ground. "Alia!' Ezra shouted and ran to my side. I opened my eyes trying to breath. "I..... cant..... breath." I managed to choke out. My eyes felt heavy and they shut. I felt someone open my mouth and a pair of warm lips touch mine. Air was going down my windpipe and they were pressing on my chest. "Come on." I heard Ezra say. After doing this 3 times I shot up gasping. I looked at Ezra. "Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek. He helped me up and I faced the crew who was smiling. "What?' I asked. "Ezra kissed you!" Sabine shouted. "No he didn't! He gave me CPR" I said defensively. "Which is mouth to mouth." Zeb pointed out. "Shut up you hairless wookiee." I spat at him.

"So do you want to join the crew?" Ezra asked blushing. "Sure." I said smiling at him. He grinned widely at me then wrapped me into a hug. "Don't get too excited. I don't know how long I'll be here." I said hugging him back. We pulled away. 'Well this will be fun' Shocker beeped. "Oh shut it you bucket of bolts.' I said.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the FIRST OFFICIAL CHAPTER ONE!!!! May the Force be with you! ~Faith ♥

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