call me - nick rhdoes

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nick adjusted his shirt for the hundredth time; looking in the mirror of his dressing room, his confidence askew.

ever since he went out on tour with his band and left you behind at home, (after you promising him you'd be alright) he's been down.

it wasn't that nick was insecure, his confidence just went down a little wen you weren't there to encourage him and tell him how much you love him (and how good he looked).

nick knew for a fact that most girls who attended a duran duran concert would want to fall to their knees in front of him—he knew this form experience. but he never bit.

the few times this has happened he's just caringly pulled them up, and then attached them to john, in hopes of getting a breather so he could sign autographs for the patient duranies who kindly asked for an autograph from nick rhodes.

but now, standing in front of half a mirror alone, he felt out of sorts. he checked the clock. He had twenty minutes. he broke his gaze with himself through the glass and made his way over to the phone and dialed home. he needed to hear your voice.

"hello?" you answered.

"y/n?" nick said, a smile instantly appearing on his face.

"nicholas! i'm so happy you called!" you sounded so happy to hear his voice.
it warmed his heart.

"and i'm glad I called! how are you, honey?" nick asked in a genuine tone. he genuinely wanted to make sure you were doing alright without his presence.

"i'm ok...i just really miss you, nick...." your happy tone became became softer
and you let your misery show.

"i miss you too, hon. but unfortunately there's nothing we can do at the moment except wait." nick knew this wouldn't be the most comforting thing he could say, but it was the truth.

"i know." you replied, not knowing what to say next to bring the conversation
back up and more cheerful.

"but hey, isn't it rad that you are able to do what you do?" you said, trying to bring
your happy tone back into your voice.

nick smiled softly on the other line. "yeah it is, huh?"


nick glanced at the clock and saw the door open to reveal simon.
"hey hon, i should probably go now."

"oh....yeah, of course. i love you, nick, you'll do amazing as always!"

"thanks, y/n, love you too!" nick said and put the phone back down.

"hey, was that y/n?" simon asked as he leaned against the doorframe. nick nodded. sadly.

"yeah...uh, you ready?" he asked, trying to change the subject to put his sorrow aside for a bit.

"yeah," simon said; uncrossing his arms slowly. "hey," he put his hand on nicks's shoulder as he was about to push past simon.

"if you ever wanna just talk your feelings out, any one of us are always free and we'll listen to you, okay? we're here for you, always remember that, nick." simon told him.

nick smiled. "thanks, si. now let's do this."

note: i hope this was okay for my first duran duran story, please let me know if you enjoyed and/or have any requests!

*please refer to the request page for requesting info*

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