new moon on monday - roger taylor

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| inspired by the music video for duran duran's new moon on monday |

you were just walking down a dark and dimly lit alley way, shivering under your coat.

it was a sunday evening, and at the moment you regretted coming out.

you heard faint singing, but you ignored it. it wasn't your business to be nosy and go bothering whoever was singing. they had a divine voice; whoever they were.

something in you wanted to know, but you didn't chase it. you kept walking down the alley, soon coming to an opening to town.

it was a fairly normal old english town, not much happened.

you cautiously crossed the street, and were soon ran into by two people. you nearly fell, but the shorter one quickly caught you and apologized frantically. "cut the cameras!" he yelled behind him. "are you okay?! we're very sorry," he seemed to be apologizing for the other slightly taller guy.

"oh, it's fine. i should've been looking where i was headed." you smiled kindly, and you were able to slightly observe them in the dim light of the night.

the one who had apologized countless times was a little shorter than the other, but he had a sure face. his hair wasn't quite visible, but seemed to be in a long ponytail down his dark leather jacket covered back.

the other was slightly taller; with his hair semi slicked back, with a more soft face, but he seemed to also show concern for you. his hands were in his leather jacket pockets, and he was attractive to say the least.

"we can take you inside, our friends are there," the shorter on offered. and you felt you couldn't refuse. they seemed so nice and caring, and if they had friends who were equally as nice, you surely wouldn't say no.

"alright, of course!" you told him, shrugging your shoulders in approval.

he seemed pleased with your answer and they both took you across the street and inside of a bar of sorts. it was warm and a little brighter, it smelled like wood and fire; so you immediately felt at home.

"you go with roger, i gotta talk with the camera crew," the shorter one said and soon disappeared back outside into the chilly night.

"roger?" you questioned with raised eyebrows as he took you through the tables to a certain one; with his hand on your back.

"yes, that's my name," he said with an almost uncertain smile. he didn't say any more until you both reached a round table booth.

"hey," he said to three guys sitting causally around the booth. "me 'n andy ran into her outside while filming our parts—quite literally." he added with a slight laugh.

the three smiled at you. they looked very nice.

"this is nick, john, and simon." roger introduced. you showed them and small wave, and they nodded to you. "and you are?" john piped up from under his fringe.

"i'm y/n," you said realizing you hadn't yet introduced yourself. you just stood for a moment, until you were kindly pulled into their circle next to simon.

soon the other shorter one came back, (who you were informed was named andy,) and the six of you talked about a bunch of various things.

but all throughout the conversation you were having with simon and john (in particular, the others did occasionally chime in) you felt watched.

you ignored the feeling, and tried to stay engrossed in the conversation in front of you.

and it worked until you had to leave.

"well, it was nice meeting you all," you said as you all bid your goodbyes.

but as you were about to close the door on the warmth of the quaint woodsy bar, you heard your name being called.

"wait!" you turned around, and you were pleasantly surprised to see roger catching up to you.

"hey, i uh...i was just wondering if i could have your number?" you were shocked at his sentence, but you said yes almost instantly.

you swapped numbers, and you even gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek before stepping away.

"goodnight, roger," you said enticingly as you waved and walked away into the moonlight, leaving roger spellbound on the steps.

"she's a new one, huh?" john suddenly stated.

"yeah. she is." roger replied, secretly excited to see you again.

• • • • •
a cut out part from "new moon on monday"

"i'm y/n," you said. you just stood for a moment, until someone else slid into you.

"good god! i'm so incredibly sorry!" when you turned around, it was the same guy who had ran into you earlier.

"wow!" you laughed. "you run into a lot of things!" he blushed, seemingly embarrassed. "sorry..."

"hey, it's alright. may i ask your name, klutzy?" you teased. you didn't mean it in a mean way, you meant it to be funny.

"andy," he said, and you smiled. "i'm y/n," you said and you both sat down.

note: hope you enjoyed! requests always open!

*please refer to the request page for requesting info*

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