You stay away from him

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Emily's: POV

I was at the cafeteria with Esme and our new friends. I took a bite of my French Fries.

"We used to live in New York

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"We used to live in New York." I said. "I want to visit New York so bad." replied Ariana. "It's a nice city." I said. "You have to visit Central Park." replied Esme. "I will." she said. Oliver went up to our table. He was the school's most popular guy.


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"You and your sister have a hot dad." said Oliver. "You stay the hell away from him." I replied coldly. "I want to hit that sexy body." he said. Ariana had to hold me back. "I SWEAR, IF YOU AS MUCH AS TOUCH MY DAD." I yelled. "Don't be such a drama queen." said Oliver. "Calm down Emily, he's not worth it." replied Ariana. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Don't care about him, he's an idiot." said Ariana. "He's a slut too, he has made out with every guy at school." replied Noah. "Our dad wanted to start a new life here to forget the past." I said. "Aww." replied Leslie. "He has been through a lot." said Esme. "I feel for him." replied Ariana.


"Hey dad, we're home." I called. We got no reply. "Where's he?" asked Esme. "Maybe he's in his room." I said and went there. I opened the door and saw him making out with a man. I quickly closed the door. They came out after a while. The man hugged his hand.

"This is Jack Lavigne and he's my boyfriend." said dad. "You must be Emily and Esme, your dad has talked so much about you." replied Jack. "It's nice to meet you." we said. "My pleasure." he replied.


Addy's: POV

"It won't end well if I see the Oliver doll." I said. "Teach him a lesson if you meet him." replied Esme. "I promise." I said.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

Don't mess with Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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