It feels like you're hiding things from us

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Adam's: POV

June 12th 2023: New York

Jack and I went to the kitchen. Our children sat at the table and ate breakfast. Esme was reading Queen of the damned by Anne Rice.


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"Good morning kids." I said. "Morning dad and papa." replied Victoria and Esme. Scobby barkad happily. "Good morning to you too." I said and patted him.

"I'm so sorry honey that I couldn't make it to the open house at your school yesterday." I said. "It's okay." replied Esme. "I'll totally make it up for you." I said. "It's okay dad, I swear." she replied. "Where are you?" asked Victoria and Jack looked at me. "I had to help Robin with a thing." I lied.

"Regina called me and asks why you didn't show up at the parents' meeting the other day

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"Regina called me and asks why you didn't show up at the parents' meeting the other day." replied Jack. "I forgot." I said. "It feels like you're hiding things from us." he replied. "I'll do better, I promise." I said. "I trust you." replied Jack. Scooby lay down his head in Esme's lap. She stroked his fur. "You're a good boy Scooby." she said. "I'm so glad we adopted him." replied Victoria. "Me too." said Esme.


I walked into the squad room. Mom was sitting on a table and she was worried. Muncy was sitting next to Amanda.

(Olivia and Elliot)

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(Olivia and Elliot)

(Olivia and Elliot)

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"What's going on?" I asked. "Two boys were found raped and killed in Central Park last night." said Olivia. "That's awful." I replied. "A witness saw a man running from the scene." replied Elliot. I was nervous. "I have to go out with a curfew until the killer is caught." said mom. "I feel for their families." replied Muncy and Amanda hugged her hand.

"Are you okay Adam? you look quite pale." said mom. "I'm fine." I replied. "We'll find the killer and get him behind bars." said Olivia. "Good." I replied. "Scooby will help us." she said and he wagged his tail.

Adam is living a double life

I hope you liked the chapter


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