We'll find out the truth

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Muncy's: POV

I was sitting on my chair inside my office and typed on the computer. Mom came in and he gave me a cup of caramel latte from Starbucks.


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"Thanks mom." I said and took a sip. "I guessed you needed some extra energy." she replied and looked at the newspapers on my desk. "I'm trying find clues about my godfather's Michael's death. But it's hopeless." I said and sighed.

"We'll find out the truth, don't give up." she replied. "I miss him so much." I said. Mom wiped away a tear and smiled. "I miss him too, but I know Michael wants you to be happy and life your life." replied Olivia. "I know." I said. She smiled and gave me a hug. Fin came into my office, he had heard everything. "I'm okay, I promise." I said. "We've talked about it." replied Olivia. "Thank you for being here for her." said Fin. "No problem." she replied.


We walked in the Central Park and the summer air was warm. Mom and I talked about everything.

 Mom and I talked about everything

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"Something troubles you." said mom. "I just miss Adam and my nieces." I replied. "I understand that." she said. "I think I'll face time him tonight." I replied. "Sounds like a good plan." said Olivia. "Yeah." I replied.

"I don't think it was David who killed Michael." said mom. I looked at her. "Who could it be?" I asked. "I have to ask Fin if he knows something." she said. "He'll get his justice." I replied.

I love the mother and daughter bond

I hope you liked the chapter


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