My beloved son

18 4 8

Tina's: POV


Januray 29th: New York

My water broke in the middle of the night and Elliot drove me to the hospital. I squeezed his hand hard in an attempt to ignore the pain. After what felt like an eternity, saw our son the light. A nurse wrapped a blanket around him and laid him in my arms. I kissed his forehead and smiled.


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"Our beloved son." he said. "Yes." I replied. "He has his dad's eyes." said Elliot. "Aww." I replied. "My family." he said. "Thank you for being part of my life." I replied. "Always." said Elliot.

Mom and dad came in. Mom was overjoyed. "He's so cute." she said happily. "You'll be a wonderful grandma to him" I replied. "Thank you sweetie." said Marie. "You're welcome." I replied.


"I love you so much and I don't let anybody hurt you. I'll comfort you when you're sad and I will hug you when you have a nightmare. I will always be here for you." I said.

Adam was sleeping in his crib and I held my son's little hand in mine. I can't believe I've a child, it feels so unreal. I will do everything I can to protect my child, I'm ready to kill if someone hurt him. After a few minutes I fell asleep as well with a smile on my face.

-End of the flashback-

Tina loved her son very much

I hope you liked the chapter


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