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Asher had been counting down the days until the weekend. Even though he was busy and his work was important, it was already weighing on him, so all he wanted was to have some quality time with his boyfriend, Keith.

That's why Asher had decided to buy the video game Keith always wanted. It had been expensive and took almost all his money, but he was willing to make the sacrifice for his loved one.

When the weekend arrived and Asher reached the game store, he pondered if it was worth it. But he quickly snapped out of his doubt and purchased the game anyway.

When Asher returned home, Keith was ecstatic and they couldn't wait to start playing. Asher didn't regret his decision. Seeing Keith having so much fun was worth every penny he had spent.

After a full weekend of playing and spending time together, Asher and Keith were both exhausted but happier than ever. Asher knew that spending quality time with Keith was all that really mattered to him; he no longer needed the game as a reminder of their love.


Asher woke up feeling groggy and icky, he thought nothing of it and went to school anyway, once he went to class, he was falling asleep multiple times in class

"Mr anderson, i assume you were staying up all night and playing games? since you have no desire to pay attention"

"sorry, just have a headache"

"not an excuse, if you continue to doze off, you'll have a detention"

When class finally ended, Asher knew he needed to go to the nurse. He grabbed his books, walked down the hallway and into the office. The nurse was kind and immediately got up to check on him. She took his temperature and listened to his heart. After, she concluded that Asher had a nasty migraine and he was feeling the fatigue associated with it.

She prescribed him some medication and sent him off to rest. He went to his dorm room, took the painkillers, and prayed for it to take effect soon. He felt thankful that he had a safe place to rest, because he knew not everyone was that lucky.

Asher stared confidently at his phone, hesitant to text Keith. He felt so guilty for leaving school early; his subtle migraine had become almost unbearable, unable to stay any longer. After taking some Ibuprofen and resting his head, his migraine had subsided.
He worried Keith might think he was ditching school, but he had to do what was right for his health. Taking a deep breath, he composed the message, "Hey Keith, sorry I left school early. I had a really bad migraine."

Keith's reply was almost instant, expressing concern for Asher as well as understanding. Keith suggested that maybe next time, he should take the day off instead of pushing himself. Asher smiled; Keith always knew the right things to say.

There was a pause in their conversation until Keith asked the question Asher had been dreading, "Where were you going to after leaving school?"

Asher hesitated, how was he going to explain this? He thought for a few moments before replying that he had gone to the doctor. He explained to Keith that he had been worried that his migraine might be a symptom of something worse and he wanted to get it checked out.

Luckily, Keith seemed unfazed by this news and told Asher he was glad he was being proactive about his health. Asher was relieved to know that Keith was not mad at him and understood why he had to go to the doctor.

He promised Keith he would be more vigilant about taking care of himself and promised to come to school the next day, migraine free.

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