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T'Challa and his entourage arrived early afternoon. His army also included female warriors named as the Dora Milaje. It's commander, Okoye, by her lord's side and looked at us with every suspicion that this could be a trap.

I'd worn a gown of silver, Thalia braiding my hair so it wove around my head but also kept the crown I had in place. Steve was dressed in blue with some silver accents to his jacket. The crisp white shirt he wore underneath buttoned up just to the chest where it then opened. It was a good job all the scratches I'd given him while raking my nails across his skin couldn't be seen. On his back was another story.

They called T'Challa the 'Black Panther' - rumours being that he possessed certain abilities obtained through his bloodline. From his father and his father before him. I didn't know whether they were true but I was sure by the end of our treaty that I would know. The suit he wore now kind of confirming the panther part.

"Lord T'Challa - welcome". I moved forward and made the Wakanda sign with my arms across my chest. In return he did the same with a smile.

"Lady Hale - thank you for inviting us. It seems we have a lot to discuss".

"Indeed - this is my husband. Steve".

T'Challa shook his hand. "The next High Lord of Auburndale..."

My husband stopped him abruptly. The subject still raw. "No - not anymore. I renounced that title. My place is here with my wife". His hand grasped mine, and I could sense he was making it perfectly clear that I wasn't on the marriage market.

I could feel Sam and Bucky stood behind me, just as Okoye and her group did to their leader. "Excuse these two - they're newborns. Natural instinct to want to protect their leader".

T'Challa still smiled. "Understandable- I hear you have a great army at your command - shall we?" He gestured to inside as I nodded.

"So you like cats..." I heard Sam ask our guest rather passive aggressively.

"Sam..." Steve sighed a warning and shot an apologetic look to T'Challa. "He literally grew wings overnight, he's a little pissed that he doesn't know how to use them yet. Plus he's adjusting to his new and improved body. He and Bucky only turned yesterday".

T'Challa chuckled. "I thought as much - and yet, you are the only mortal here?"

"Other than Erskine, our resident alchemist? Yes". He replied coolly.

"By choice?"

Steve paused. "Yes. For now anyway - soon I'll make the same decision but right now choose not to. Hale understands".

I nodded in agreement and walked into the council chambers where the meeting was to be held, seating ourselves around the table as the servants poured our drinks. It was going to be a long afternoon and we'd need them.
Arion joined us not long after, and sat alongside Sam and Bucky. "You guys look like shit". I heard him mutter in amusement.

"So would you if you'd been drowned, grown fucking wings and gained immortality all within the space of a day". Sam bit back quietly, wings flexing slightly in irritation

"You're gonna intimidate a lotta people with those things. A winged siren...it's what our army needs".

"What we need is a plan of action against Auburndale and the Hydra lands - which is where our new friend and ally here comes into play". I interrupted them and shot a look to T'Challa. "I trust you still want to go through with the allegiance".

T'Challa sat back, arms folded. "Of course, I wouldn't be here otherwise - and given what we have decided in our letters, I'm guessing there isn't much to discuss about the trade side?"

"It's more warfare". I clarified, "The trade is all in writing, we just need to sign once you have read it and are happy - but the main reason we gather here today is to decide just how to stop Johann and Lord Joseph".

Okoye then spoke up for the first time. "Our spies have it on good authority that they are almost ready to march, judging by the camps that have been appearing. It will not be long before they reach the border, but we need them as far from the city as possible".

"Vormir fields seems the only decent place for a battle. It's far but also gives us a fair advantage when it comes to basing our camp and getting our men and women into position". I offered up. "I know many of my people will fight, but with more siren children being born? I cannot risk their lives by bringing the fight to our doorstep". A pang went through me at the thought of innocent children being dragged into this. Sure, we could hide them, but some were just babe's in arms...

Another pang to the heart. It was something I couldn't have - at least, not yet. I didn't want to press the subject to Steve. The loss of his son still affected him - and no way did I want to burden him more as well as pressure him. The yearning was strong though, especially as we were both fresh into our marriage.

"Hale?" Only then did I realise everyone was looking to me.

"Sorry...just thinking - what were you saying?"

Steve's face was etched with concern but he brushed it off so it seemed. "T'Challa was agreeing with your idea to take the battle to Vormir Fields - he reckons the armies could be here in just under a week, maybe two depending on the weather conditions, so we'd need to prep fast. I said we could accommodate them until then".

I nodded. "Yes, sorry I was thinking about other strategies". A pure lie that my husband could see straight through. "We'd be happy to accommodate you and your army until then".

T'Challa held up his hand and shook his head. "No need - we will make for the base camp area and set up. My people are skilled in the art of spying and keeping hidden. Regardless of whether Johann sends men to stake out the area, they will not find us". He smirked.

"All the same the offer is still there". I smiled in way of thanks. "And you will stay tonight? We already have the hall and court ready to celebrate our allegiance".

"Only if your husband will grant me a dance with you". T'Challa's eyes fell to Steve who nodded.

"If you wanted to dance with me then I'd probably step on your feet". He smirked as the Wakandan Lord laughed at this. "As long as you give her back though, otherwise I may have to start a different war".

I rolled my eyes. "I think you have made it quite clear that I am your wife", then turning back to T'Challa. "I would be honoured to dance".


We spent most of the afternoon pondering over maps. At one point Sam sneezed and almost poked Okoye's eye out with the tip of one of his wings as they once again unfolded from the force. "Control yourself". She hissed as he grumbled with Bucky to try and help fold them back into him again.

"I can't fucking help it, they have a mind of their own!" He snarled back.

"Well get them in order before we go to battle".

T'Challa and I just smirked and continued, ignoring the grovelling between them. Arion was enjoying every moment though.

After our guests had been shown to their rooms to freshen up, I returned to the sanctuary of my own, Steve following me and still looking concerned. "What was that about earlier?" He asked once we were inside where no one could hear us.


"You looked like you were about to cry - and I doubt it was battle strategies that got you welled up. What's wrong?"

I brushed it off. "Nothing, I'm just a little tired that's all". That wasn't exactly a lie considering the amount of sex we'd been having until well into the early hours. I didn't get tried by it though, whereas Steve did. Damn, he probably saw straight through me. His face told me that he did, and as he went to open his mouth I stopped him. "Please. I just need to rest - all this talk of war is draining enough". My eyes were pleading.

He dropped it and just nodded - coming over and kissing my forehead. "Take a bubble bath and a nap - and if it's the battle you're worried about? We have a good chance with the people and resources we have..." Letting go of me, he headed out of the room while I went to try and forget about the discussion I'd had with Erskine this morning. 

Siren (Steve Rogers AU) 18+ - (2)Where stories live. Discover now