Chapter 1 Part 8

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    Few started to plan for the party event while I checked on Dash

Dash: "..."

Burn: "The others are planing a party but I will not go"

Dash: "..."

Burn: "I dont trust it honestly so.I will be with you"

I sat down next to him and he was still silent and looked.Broken...

Burn: "...I wanted to tell you something but I didnt had the guts to"

Burn: "When you sayed you missed me.I feelt awful"

Dash: "....."

Burn: "I just really wanted to apologize for the way I was acting"

Burn: "The fact I left you when you were needing me the most"

Burn: "I was a coward and still am.I-Im scared"

Burn: "I know it dosent mean much but I do care.Alot...About you too"

I looked away.Admiting this for myself was hard but it is true.I still care about Dash and

Lemon even after all these years and I dont want to lose them...I hate attachments

This game will ruin them too.It was enough for myself to feel awful

I didnt wana drag my friends into this but here we are.

Dash: "..."

Burn: "Im not sure if you can hear me but Im.Im glad you are alive"

I slowly moved my legs.He was looking at the same space for awhile now...

I sould leave him be.This is really insensetive of me rant to him while he is suffering...

Dash: "...Bluey"

Burn: "Dashy?"

Dash: "Why did he take her away from me again?"

Burn: "Dash! You are awake"

Dash: "AAAAAAAA Aaaaaaaaa aaaaahhhhHA hahh! NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO NOT AGAIN!"


Dash: "huh...huh..hUH?! Aha-I-I Need to kill HIM"

I huged Dash and he was screaming and crying untill his voice cut off

Burn: "Its okay.Let is all out"

Dash: "I-I dont want to lose her...Why-Why her?"

Dash: "Its all Puppys fault.Why bring her back if she dies again why do this to me?!"

Dash: "I WANTED TO SAVE HER to protect her thats what a big brother sould do! NOT this not siting here crying"

Dash: "I sould just kill myself as Lemon sayed"

Burn: "No you need to live"

Dash: "For what?! For who?! Who needs an idiot like me?! I couldnt find ONE single clue"

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