Chapter 1 Trial Part 2

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(Burn Blaze Pov)

The trial is annoying everypony talks over eachother all the time.And we are back to Orangey as the suspect

I been not the most helpful.I just dont care anymore.These ponys.Even Dash turns against me all the time.

Its like Im being backstabed again.Just in a fancy ligthinging.Its not that I care about them

Its not that I love some of them.Its not that I would die for them

but I am annoyed by how long this has been taken.

Lime Healer is stupid.So is Lemon and everyponyelse.

Lime: "Orangey can you...Give us your alibi maybe?"

Orangey: "Alibi?"

Lime: "What were you doing when everyone was in the movie nigth.or almost everyone"

Burn: "I tell you.She was running away from the kitchen crying"

Burn: "I seen her earlier"

Coffey: "Why didnt you tell us this earlier?"

Burn: "I WaS TeStInG YoU"

Burn: "Why would I want a boring case when I can have fun whatching this trashfire"

Burn: "But It goten so stupid.We know who the killer is just get to the freaking vote"

Burn: "And dont give me the crying trauma shit cuz I dont care"

Lemon: "Yes we dont feel sorry for her and no one sould either"

Orangey: "You wanna hear what happend or not?"

Burn: "We dont need to hear your sobb story.Come on Puppy kill her"

Puppy: "The thing is only when everypony is agreeing to vote then can we do it"

Puppy: "Besides you arent instrested in her motive? If she is the killer"

Burn: "NO IM NOT I dont care!"

Lime: "Burn we need to talk about the clues.What if we are wrong about this?"

Lime: "We have to be rigth to survive"

Burn: "No I dont think so! Lets exacute this witch rigth away I dont need to see her stupid face"

Lime: "We have to be rigth!"

Burn: "We know we are!"

Lemon: "Cat figth let me in! We sould vote her"

Alchemia: "Vote"

Mini: "I wanna know why!!! Before we end it"

Burn: "Its enough to disscus how we dont need to ask why"

Burn: "Its a waste of time"

Alchemia: "Logickley speaking theres no need for her confession"

Orangey: "I-"

Bow-Bow: "Why?"

Coffey: "Bowy?!"

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