Chapter 1 Part 11

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(Lime Healer Pov)

Its been a long week.I decided to hold a party.In desparation.Of this mess.It seems like Dash and Burn decided to hangout together instead of actually coming

Introvertal didnt come either.Blueberry and Alchemia decided to make food together.Smiley and Jackson are here aswel

Lemon is nowhere to be seen.And Coffey and Bow-Bow stays really close to eachother.Its no suprise Orangey and Apple Pies havent arived yet.

I decided Icey would be good to monitor the hallways.He is pretty tall and I dont think anyone would dare to figth him

Then then there was I whatching everyone with a dumb smile knowing wel someone will die

Puppy: "Lime Healer it seems like your plan migth workout"

Lime: "I didnt want them to split up.But those three are always together"

Puppy: "Yes they do have something intresting going on for sure.Will you not stop them?"

Puppy: "As a leader your job is to protect them all isnt it?"

His words were sharp.I knuw what he tired to get at.I sould protect them all

And when someone will die I will be for blame anyways

Like If I had any control.I do actually

I looked at Puppy and goten closer to him

Lime: "Aslong as most of them survive"

Puppy: "You cant save all can you?"

Lime: "The killing game have to start to end it arent that you told me?"

Lime: "Then just wait for the party to start and shut your mouth"

I know Its twisted and kinda fucked up.But what can I do? If I do a party someone will die eventully then we can move on to the next stage

This is the rigth thing to do...Theres no other way just death and this way theres a chance of more then one to survive.

Puppy: "You will join eventully.You are no hero"

Lime: "Neither are you and Blaze.Its about survival here"

I heard someone geting closer.It was Mini and Blueberry chukling

Lime: "Are you guys having fun?"

Mini: "Yes its amazing! Do you like my decor?"

Lime: "Its cute.All tho maybe some rainbows would make it better"

Mini: "Shout! You are rigth...I wana make rainbows now!"

Blueberry: "Say ah Limey!"

Berry feed me some cookies and they were pretty good

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