Chapter 1 Part 10

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   I need to hangout with somepony nice but not to nice

Oh yeah I know

Mini: "Hey Blaze"

Burn: "Christmas decor?"

Mini: "Mhm for the party"

Burn: "Are you and Icey close?"

Mini: "Yeah but not to close we are close...But not"

Burn: "You cant fool me.Come on tell me~"

Mini: "Yes he is nice but we are childhood friends"

Mini: "I dont wana ruin it <-<"

Burn: "You arent if he likes you back"

Mini: "But >->"

Burn: "Its pretty easy I ask him for you"

Mini: "Nooo he will know >///-///< "

Burn: "I.Dont think he would mind If my suspicouns are correct"

Mini: "Ahaha...Oh no dont say that I will die"

Burn: "I think he likes you toooo~"

Mini: "M...Okay then I will ask him myself.Or.No.Nevermind"

Mini: "He would be mad that I forgot the decor I need to finish it first"

Mini: "But what If Im ruining his day if I dont see him again?!"

Mini: "Like he worries alot and I worry alot and then its all ChAoS"

Burn: "You dont have to tell him rigth away.Let it be smooth"

Mini: "Im Not smooth look at me.Im to stupid to confess.You...Maybe you sould do it for me"

Burn: "Yeah this is something you will need to do when the time comes"

Mini: "Noooo.I cant I would be to weird doing it My voice is to weak"

Mini: "Wait I meant it like a confession thing not the-"

Burn: "Its okay I know"

Mini: "Im not trying to be frustrated but I am"

Mini: "Im sorry I didnt help you much I was bussy whatching"

Mini: "Sometimes its to shooking and I over think it and Lime goes brrr and does it before me"

Mini: "I couldve helped but he did instead so Its okay? but i still feel bad for not helping bcuz you know Its pretty-"

Mini: "And I couldve became leader but Im to tiny so I was like no it has to be somepony taller but Lime isnt tall either so Its-"

Burn: "Take a deep breath"

Mini: "I CANT.I have to do decoration.I have to make like hundred and Im so tired of it but If Its not pretty I hate it and have to restart"

I decided to help her out with them.And she seemed happyier about it sometimes she needs to clear her head from the mess she creats for herself

overthinking can be dangerous if she would think somepony wants to kill her when they actually arent but

she seems nice and less angry this time so im safe I gues? Its intresting she dont hates me

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