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still July 14th

"Trial in session!" The judge announces, simmering the voices dominating the room.
Alana sat on the other side of the judge in another stand; they were going question her also when needed. 

Mariah Wilson rises from her seat. Her heels clank as she strides with poise to the centre of the courtroom. She proposes her first question.

"Ms Perez could you please elaborate on the agreement arranged between you and Mr Miller. How did this come about"

"Well it was due to a picture I posted. It was of me and Sincere; it must've made its way to him in the short time it was up. Prior to this I didn't know of Mr Miller or his relation to Miss Smith. It was he who contacted me first and made this proposition" she said truthfully.

"And the requirements and conditions consisted of what exactly?" Mariah makes gesture for her clarify

"A payment of thirty thousand that he was supposed to give in instalments. It was required of me to conceive his child and claim it was Mr Jackson's; whom I had slept with once" she answered shamefully.

Mariah nods her head, processing this information, "So did Mr Miller fulfil these payments?" Ms Perez shakes her head.

"I hadn't received anything. He kept delaying his word, each time I would ask he would lash out and make threats. It wasn't until a couple weeks into our agreement when I fell pregnant. His plan began to work but he didn't stop sleeping with me, each time I tried to deny him he would get violent and hit me" she chokes on her words.

Mariah makes her way towards her offering a box of tissues. She accepts and dabs on her dampened face.

"I was only pregnant for a couple weeks til I suffered a miscarriage. The doctors told me I was partially infertile, Rio knew about this but since his plan was working he suggested we keep trying. His abuse worsened. I believe Ms Smith because he raped me too. He hit me multiple and multiple times and...and he raped me on multiple occasions, times I was even unconscious" Her voices fades as she begins to tremble.

"I was so scared of him...I did everything he said because he-he was a literal monster. I kept my lie with Mr Jackson. I did everything I could to make it seem convincing. I fell pregnant for the second time but a few days later I miscarried again. I was so done but I didn't have the will to say it. The last time I saw Rio was on the day he died in that fire. He barged into my home around three in the morning, he was drunk and demanded sex from me. Numb to it all, I just let him have his way. The last conversation I had with him was about the money he promised to pay me, he dismissed me once again and stormed out. He wasn't a good man. He was abusive and manipulative. Everything Ms Smith has said about him is the truth; I know this because I've lived it. I wouldn't wish this ever on anyone" She shakes her head, her eyes pierced red. They were filled with so much pain, you could vividly see the trauma in them.

"I'm sorry to hear you endured such events..." Mariah says sympathetically.

Mr Martin interrupts the moment, raising his hand, addressing the judge "Your honour from Ms Perez testimony we can confirm the time frame and condition my client says Mr Miller was in when he arrived back at their home to be true" the judge nods, making note of it.

Attention is back on Mariah, she manoeuvres to Alana. "Ms Smith!" alerting Alana.
"Please take us back to that moment, when you encountered Mr Miller in such state" Alana is startled, she didn't expect to be asked this once again. She didn't want to repeat this moment once again.

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