26: Tate Lasso

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3 days later

I'm still in this place. The lady that had told me I was gonna be taken in for questioning the next morning lied, because it's only now I was sitting in this four cornered sage room.

I had Cae visit me yesterday but we were quickly interrupted as they took her in for questioning.
In the short time she told me how she would be the one to regularly update me and connect me to Sincere. Before she was taken away she told me tips on how not to fumble. I've been reciting those words of advice for the last three days. Everything I say must be calculated and the only way that can be certain is if I say nothing. Nothing! Say nothing! I told myself every second I was in this room. The less I say the more it'll be harder to build up a case against me or Sincere. Say nothing!

In outburst a Caucasian male came in singing my name like a ringtone. I brought my head out of my lap and lowered my knees to get a look at him. He held a smirk, he was a good looking man, clean smart attire, dark hair, light eyes, handsome is an understatement but this wasn't the time.

He took a seat before me, the smirk prominent.
A second or two was shared before the silence was broken.

"You know why you're here right?" He asked in an amused tone. I raised an eyebrow, not a word said but I encourage him to continue.

"Hm...silent treatment? Well okay. Let's start here, an introduction. Tate Lasso. I was hired by the state to defend the decease Rio Miller in court. In other words, I am your dead boyfriend's lawyer. Its been brought to my knowledge that after the interview you had with officer Sanchez, she saw something. Something that could've been easily brushed underneath the bush if she wasn't there at the right place...at the right time. What she saw was an interaction. One between you...and Sincere Jackson. The one we suspect and believe to be the murderer in this case. Well you may object and say it was a mere unthought glance but quite unusual for that to occur at chance Ms Smith....don't you agree?"

I remained silent. I wasn't gonna give him shit. I'm not making that mistake again.

"I take it you know your rights, hence your copious replies" he said sarcastically.
He stared at me for a while, his blue eyes resting on my bruised cheek. "In the taping you proclaimed my client had hit you" expectedly he received yet another blank response.

"For that I am curious about the relationship you and Rio Miller had shared. I mean for what we have collected you two had been together over a year and recently moved into the home he was later on found dead in with multiple rounds of bullets embedded within him. The same home that had burned to the grounds an hour later after your departure? hm. Well as there are no other records to prove otherwise, we assume this is the first account Miller had been abusive as well as assaulted you. Unfortunate for you, my curiosity stops nowhere. I did some digging Ms Smith. Mostly about you but about someone else too. This resulted in that curiosity I had, transforming into a theory, one I believe to be true. Answer this or not, whatever you choose I'll still make this known, who was recently released from Peters Clare Penitentiary after a year behind bars? Who attended the same high school and graduated the same year you did Ms Smith? Who's address was found to be the main recipient of inmate#348 sent letters? Who's bank statements revealed thousands of money being deposited into your account at random? Who's name was on the lease of the old apartment you lived at since you were eighteen till just a few months ago? Who's mother visitation history at Mark Stoneshire's mental institution revealed your name as the only name for the past what? Seven years? Help me out Alana....who?" His face was now a centimetre away from mine as he leaned in a forward position. His eyes pierced into my soul, searching for some type of answer.

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