Chapter 11: Guess Who's Back

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The next day was quite eventful. First, it seems that the giant will appear again today. Plus, a pack of Dogoos found another Share crystal. Uzume suggested we out to get it just in case. The Dogoos found it in a sakura park nearby to the northeast of the city. As we make our way through the park, I thought about what Uzume said. Just in case. Just in case of what?

"Hey, Uzume. You said we should get this Share crystal just in case. Does this mean you have a plan to deal with this giant...thing?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. Me and Umio learned awhile ago that the giant has a weakness to Share energy. That's why we're gathering all these Share crystals, and also to help me transform." Uzume explained. "You can have some to use if you want." She offered next. She was carrying a whole bag of them.

I reach in and grab three. "Yo, catch." I call to my sisters and toss the crystals. They caught them, thankfully, and we continued our way through the park.

As we walked a little more, I could feel someone watching us. "Miss Uzume!" We heard a male voice call, snapping me out of my trance. "Goobs! Good timing. We were looking for ya. Did you really find one?" She greeted.

"Goobs?" Me and my sisters ask.

"Mmhm. This is Goobs. Leader of the Dogoo tribe. And a good friend of mine." She said.

"I'll never be able to look at Dogoos the same again." Nepgear mumbled to herself.

"Same." Big sis agree.

"Hey, don't forget about Gerrie. He's a Dogoo." I said, referring to our pet Dogoo back home.

"Lead the way, Goobs." Uzume said and we followed.

The feeling from before got even stronger as we walked. By now, I knew this presence. Arfoire. It has to be her. How she got here, I'm not sure, but if I took a guess, this is this dimension's Arfoire. And if my prediction is correct, I can see a battle happening. I kept my guard down though, to not make it obvious. "Must be my imagination." I said aloud purposely.

We followed Goobs to an area choke full of Dogoos. They all seemed happy to see Uzume, as they were calling her name and even chanting. "You're popular." I commented.

"Heh, yeah. I guess you could say that." She said. They showed us the Share crystal and we were amazed at how big it was. Granted, it wasn't that big, but it was larger than normal.

"This seems almost too convenient." I comment.

"Yeah, whatever. We found it and all its glory. We should celebrate!" Big sis said.

"I can't believe you guys didn't notice." I said.

"Notice what?" Nepgear asked. I sigh.

"We were being followed." I explained simply.

"What!?" Uzume asked alarmed. I turn to a tree to our right.

"You can come out. I know you're hiding. Show yourself." I said. After I finished talking, we heard footsteps coming from the tree.

"So you found me. Good for you. But it's a little too late." She said. Arfoire steps up to the plate. As I try to comprehend what she meant, I heard a sound coming closer.

"Look out!" I yelled and tackled the girls to ground. Just barely missing us, an explosion went off behind us, knocking us forward. "An ambush. I told you this was too convenient." I complain.

Arfoire laughed. "Such a waste. You came all the way here for this little thing, and didn't even consider it to be trap. Well, this was useful, but not anymore." She said and stomped on the Share Crystal with her heel, grinding it to nothing but dust. "Now, die!" She shouted and in came another blast.

Out of instinct, I avoid the attack, and so do the others. The Dogoos on the other hand, got the short end of the stick. Attack after attack, she wouldn't let up. She continued her assault until we were all on the ground. Umio too. I forgot to mention he was here with us.

"This is not looking good...for us." Umio said in pain as he tried to get up.

"We can't take much more of this. Time to do something." I said. "So. Who has a plan?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me?! After that little encouragement, you have no plan?!" Big sis started yelling.

"C'mon! I thought it was obvious. We transform!" I shout back.

"Oh. Sorry. Didn't catch it the first time." She apologized. I face palm and grab my Share crystal. "Transform!" We all call in unison. Our change was successful and we started our counter attack.

"What?! You all are CPUs!?" Arfoire said surprised. She regained composure quickly though. "No matter, I will personally deal with you my-!"

"We win." I said after we beat her savagely. The Share crystals soon gave out and we were forced to revert to normal. "Shit, I thought we had longer!" I complained. Suddenly, we felt more Shares coming into us. We look around but see no people. I put on my special pair of goggles I developed and saw where the Shares are coming from. It's coming from the Dogoos.

"I thought monsters didn't have Share energy." Big sis said amazed at how much energy there was.

We soon transformed again, ready to battle the giant. "Okay, it's now or never." Uzume said in her cute girly voice. "Sharing Field, ACTIVATE!" She yelled and we were soon taken to a very purple place, the giant in the middle, and platforms around her.

"Hoo-wee! I can feel the power!" I said.

"Where are we?" Big sis asked looking around.

"I'm not sure myself." Nepgear answered.

"This is the Sharing Field. A space where we can fight as much as we want and not have to worry about reverting to normal. It also weakens the giant's power with the Share energy created infinitely from the space. We can fight as hard as we can, and nothing from the outside world will be damaged." Uzume explained.

"Sweet." I smiled and drew my sword once again, letting it catch fire. The giant started its attacking, but without a master to control it, it was more like it was waving its arms into the platforms. Like...a toddler struggling to fit the square block into the circle hole.

After what seemed like an hour, we finally defeated the giant, and the Sharing Field soon dissipated. "We did it. We actually did it!" Uzume yelled and fell backwards on the ground.

I followed suit and relaxed. When we got out, there was no sign of Arfoire, so we let her escape for now. Soon, all of us were laying on the ground and laughing about our time here.

"Well, now that that's done, we just need to find a way to get back home." I said.

"Yeah." Big sis and Nepgear agreed.

"Let us head back to the hideout and and do some investigating." Umio said as he got up and started floating. I got up with Nepgear, but big sis said she was too tired to even get up. Uzume said the same, so we ended up dragging them back. Well, more like carrying, and by we, I mean me. I mean, Nepgear can barely even lift Peashy, so how is she going to carry big sis or Uzume? When we got back, we made ourselves some pudding after we rested and brought the Baby Bugs and Dogoos with us. We all had a great time here, even though we have no idea where here is. Tomorrow, we make our way home. Maybe.

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