Chapter 16: Enter; Gold Third

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After the events in Zero Dimension, me and my sisters have been working nonstop during the CPU Shift Period. Hi. My name is Nanu. Flame Heart and Dark Heart CPU of Planeptune. Adopted younger brother of the CPU Purple Heart. But I'm sure you already know that already considering it's only been a chapter since you last saw me.

Dark Heart was another form I acquired in Zero Dimension, and I can only seem to access that form there. Just in case you didn't know. Today the CPUs are gathering at Planeptune to discuss rumors and false things going around. "The nerve of some people! I am not! A lonely loner!" Lady Noire complained.

"I know! People are actually buying this stuff?! I am not, a violent little girl with an anger problem!" Yelled lady Blanc.

"I don't have boobs for brains. I'm just rather sizable, that's all." Lady Vert whined.

"Is this a discussion, or a ranting session?" I wondered.

All three whining CPUs turned to me and yelled at the same time, "It's both!!" They shouted. I shake my head.

"C'mon guys. It's not all wrong." Big sis said. They all turned and growled at big sis. "I mean... Yeah! This is just wrong!" Big sis agreed. I face palmed.

"*Sigh* This is turning into a nightmare." Uni said.

"It could be worse. Right Rom?" Ram asked.

"Yeah." Rom agreed.

"While they continue to argue, I'm actually going to go do something productive." I said and stepped out.

While I was out, I couldn't find anything useful about the people spreading these rumors, so I returned empty handed for once. "Bark!" Gerrie barked. I bent down and picked up the small Dogoo.

"C'mon Gerrie. Let's get some pie or something. And maybe pick up some pudding for big sis." I said and went to the convenient store. When I came back, I heard everyone talking about something. "What's up?" I asked as I walked in.

"Neptune suggested we hold a big festival, one where all the nations people are welcome. We're all contributing to do something in this festival." Uni explained.

"Hm. Didn't expect big sis to come up with something like that." I said.


Over the week, we prepared Planeptune for the big festival. When the festival started, people were skeptical at first, but as the days passed, people opened up more and joined the fun. The festival was a big hit until one day. "C'mon, Nanu! Let's go or we'll miss the match!" Nepgear called. I smiled and ran up to catch up to her and Uni.

"Man, I can't believe we all lost in the first match. And I had to fight Noire of all people. If it were Neptune, sure, I would've won. But I can never beat Noire." Uni complained.

"I had to fight lady Vert. She was a bit too much for me." Nepgear admitted.

"Lady Blanc is certainly a force to be reckoned with." I smiled.

"I told you not to take Blanc lightly'" Ram said.

"Like your ones to talk! You both lost to big sis, and it was a two against one match!" I scolded them. They both laughed it off and looked into the stadium.

The four finalist, our big sisters plus Vert, were talking about something. The fight started soon after, and as expected, it was explosive. But it was interrupted by another group of four females.

"Who are you?" Big sis asked.

"We are Gold Third. And we challenge you!" Introduced a small female in yellow.

"You want to battle us? Ha! Don't make me laugh." Black Heart laughed anyway.

"We can take you!" Said another girl with a clear K on the collar of her shirt.

"You want to fight us? Hmph. Fine, I'll entertain you." Green Heart says as she grips her spear.

"If you can." Said another female with black clothes and red eyes.

"You're in the way. Move!" White Heart shouted.

"Oh, I don't think so. I'm not going to hold back." Said the last woman with a C on her hat.

"Seriously? Who are these people?" Uni asked.

"It doesn't matter! Blanc can beat them all-!" Ram stated, but was cut off.

"Um, Ram? They lost." I said. She was shocked. We all were. Everyone was.

Despite my carefree nature, I grit my teeth, jump over the railing and enter the arena. I transformed and attacked. I take hold of my claymore and swing, sending a wave of fire at the four intruders, trying to hit them all at the same time, but they dodged the attack. "Nanu! What are you doing?!" Nepgear shouted.

"How can you not do anything?! Our sisters lost! How can you take that! I'm only being a good brother and helping out!" I yell back. "Are you going to stand there?! Or are you going to help me out?!" I ask.

Rom and Ram jump down and join the battle. They were more ranged attacks and support, so they make good back up. Nepgear was next. She was close combat, and helped with fighting the closer ranged opponents. Lastly, and finally might I add, Uni joined in, shooting the challengers known as Gold Third with her energy rifle. In the end though, we ended exhausting ourselves. But luckily, they were just as exhausted as we were.

"Now, let us change this pathetic world." I heard a voice and looked around for the source, but found nothing and no one in earshot.

But soon, another was heard, this one I recognized. "No! Stop! Don't do it!" I look and see someone I didn't expect to see. Neptune. The big one, from another dimension. Suddenly, a light shone in the arena. I tried to block my eyes from it, but the intensity blinded me, and I ended up blacking out.

When I came to, I was in a place that wasn't Planeptune. Gerrie was on my chest, licking me when I woke up. I look around and see that I'm in a forest. My N-Gear started to beep too. I checked to see who was calling and saw that it was Nepgear. "Hello? Where are you?" I asked her.

"Nanu. Thank goodness you finally picked up. I think I'm near Planeptune. What about you?" She asked.

I look to my left to see a more mountainous area, and to my right, a more valley like area. "I'm not sure exactly. I think I'm on the Planeptune-Lastation border." I answer.

"I see. You should go to Lastation to help out Noire and Uni. I'm sure they would need your help." Nepgear said. I nodded. "I'll tell Uni that you're going to help." She added.

"Thanks." I said and hung up. To Lastation I go, I guess.

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