Chapter 18: K-Sha

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The past few days were not very interesting. It was just me and Uni training for when Noire needs saving. "Maybe we should go back. It's beens days and there is still nothing about Noire. Maybe the whole wanted criminal thing died down." Uni suggested.

Ultimately, I agreed, and we started wandering the streets together. Something caught my eye as we walked through a town. "I think not. Take a look." I said and pointed at the bulletin board. Noire's wanted poster was taken down.

"She's been captured then." Uni said dissatisfied.

"Hey, at least there will be some action for readers." I smiled and we ran to the Lastation Basilicom. On our way, we discussed a plan to help her escape. When we got there, the plan was in action. I was to guard the entrance way Uni was using, while she goes in and saves Noire. I was specifically told not to kill anyone. It took awhile, but they finally found their way out. "Took you long enough." I teased.

Uni punched me in the shoulder and we ran for it. We made our escape to the forest and waited for the attention to die out. "We should be safe now." I sighed and threw Noire a coat.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"To look fashionable, what else? It's to hide your identity." I explained with a sarcastic statement at the beginning. Noire put it on and we went back to the town. Noire took us to a hotel room and we stopped. "Wait here, I have someone who I want to-" Noire was saying when the door to the room opened. Inside was a girl with long bobbed hair in a red top and black skirt. She had a big K on the top of her shirt collar.

"Noi-!" She was about to say when Noire covered her mouth and pushed her back in, gesturing us to follow her in. We did so and entered the room. "Noire?! What are you doing here?!" She asked in a loud whisper.

"These two broke me out." Noire said. "This is Uni. And this is a friend named Nanu. Nanu and Uni, this is K-Sha." She introduced us. I made a small wave, as did Uni. "We need a place to stay. I was thinking they could go in a separate room." Noire added. We went out and registered for a room. We only had enough for one, so me and Uni were sharing.

The next day, we woke up and ate breakfast together at the cafe down on the lower floors. K-Sha elbowed Noire lightly. "Um... Noire? Is Nanu important?" She whispered.

Um...well, yeah. You could say that." Noire answered.

"Aw. I'm flattered, lady Noire." I mocked her a little bit with a slight snicker.

"Not like that, you idiot!" She shouted.

"Um, Noire. You're blushing." Uni stated.

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up!" She started screaming. Me and Uni started laughing. I stood up from the table.

"I'm done. I think I'll start taking some quests." I said and left table.

"Good luck." Uni called out. I simply put the back of my hand up and waved.

As I was finishing up some quests, I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me. Gerrie whimpered, clearly worried about me. I bend down and pick him up in my arms. "It's alright, Gerrie." I said while patting his head. We walked over to the hotel and saw K-Sha standing in front of her room, probably waiting for Noire. "Evening, K-Sha." I greeted.

However, it seems my greeting wasn't welcome. She suddenly pushed me to the wall and held me at gun point. "Listen. If you try anything with Noire, I won't hesitate to shoot you right through your damn head. Got it?" She growled.

"Duly noted." I said with a nod. She let me go and went back into her room, but came back out to say something else.

"Oh, and tell anyone about our little chat, I'll shoot you." She purred happily, closing the door.

The hell was that about...?" I thought to myself.
As I got comfortable in my bed, Uni spoke.

"Hey, Nanu? Does K-Sha look familiar to you?" She asked.

"Yeah. Hey, Gerrie, off the bed." I laugh as I put Gerrie back into his doggy bed. "Anyway, she's one of the four people that challenged our sisters to that fight in the finals, remember that?" I inquired.

"I remember. But what makes you think that?" Uni asked.

"I didn't get a good look at her during our fight, but the feeling is there. I'm absolutely sure of this." I told her with a yawn and dozed off. The next day we were going to take some more quests.

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