The Scarlet King

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The Scarlet King is one of the overarching antagonists of the SCP Foundation

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The Scarlet King is one of the overarching antagonists of the SCP Foundation. He is an ancient and evil god who is portrayed as a ruthless powerful monarch often tied to the destruction of the current world as we know it.

He serves as the unseen antagonist behind the articles SCP-231 and possibly SCP-2317, and the main antagonist of Last Hope. He is one of the many anomalies proposed for the title of "SCP-001".

The Scarlet King was one of many gods born with the planting of the Tree of Knowledge, called Khahrahk at the time. He was the smallest of his siblings, but the only one aware, and it brought him great pain. He decided that existence itself is painful and that he'd have no part in it, as well as destroying existence itself. He started by consuming his siblings and growing stronger on their essence.

He vowed to destroy the Tree, the Creator and Creation, and consumed or subjugated all the other gods, naming himself "King of the Darkness Below". He declared war on creation itself, one which will not end until the very end of everything. He took Sanna, one of the gods he subjugated, forcibly as his wife and sired seven daughters on her. Sanna died after birthing them, and the King took his seven daughters as his new brides, sealing them so they would not die as their mother had. The seven brides and the seal put upon them were referred as: A'tivik (vaduk [dominion]); A'ghor (kifenn [longing]); A'distat (hezhum [desolation]); A'zieb (ba [wrath]); A'nuht (ner [lack]); A'tellif (usheq [hidden]); A'habbat (xokib [hope]). From his seven bride-daughters he had seven children called Leviathans. Other gods and older beings agreed to follow him as well, among them were Jeser, Goran, Moloch, and the Hanged King.

After the Scarlet King manifested himself on Earth, he granted the Daevite civilization great dark power and so they came to serve and worship the evil god. As the Daevites kept conquering different lands under the name of the Scarlet King, his influence grew more and more. At some point, the Scarlet King, alongside the King Worm, the Violet Queen and the Verdant Mage which were also worshipped by the Daevites, were summoned by the Daeva matriarchs who mated with the gods in order to conceive powerful demigods that would aid the evil empire. The Scarlet King bored on of the matriarchs a squid-like monstrosity that would become known as Hgan the Scarlet Prince and together with his fellow hybrids would form the Covenant.

When the Daevites began approaching the Valley, which was inhabited by the People of the Valley and guarded by Nahash and Hakhama, the People's greatest protector, Hevel set out to directly fight the evil army of the Scarlet King, but after a great number of years the Daevites used Hevel's vanity to brainwash him into Ab-Leshal causing the once noble hero to swear allegiance to the King. However, following the destruction of the valley, Hevel became ashamed of what he had become and rebelled against the Daevites and started a slave revolt. After killing the Daevites' different idols, Hevel directly challenged the Scarlet King to which the king responded by manifesting himself before him. Hevel then proceeded to use his power granted by the All-Mighty to cause the Flood which reset the universe and cut the king's influence on Earth.

-Reality warping
-Blood manipulation
-Fire manipulation
-Suffering empowerment
-Interdimensional travel
-Mind manipulation
-Causality manipulation
-Reality dreaming
-Nature manipulation

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