Missing page

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They all were sitting in Ethan room . " Hey Look here " said Jake he was holding the book . There was a missing page they all thought what could have been missing . " It might be not that important " said Jake his brother was not sure about this .

So we should not be worried Jake said to Ethan " I don't think so maybe dad took it out . Jake had a thought .

He said that what if there is a consequence to this . His brother and sisters did thought about this and then Jake said " hey what if this had something about consequence and dad did not care so he ripped it out . " Well if that was true then we must find that page " said Ethan they there were going to find it . One way or another .

They knew where it could be in his office .

There was a problem that his dad now put a new lock on his office door The key was with him and well this was not easy .

It was night Ethan went to his dad bedroom and got the key . He got it his brother and sisters were down stairs . "Hey I have got it " he opened the door they looked everywhere they could not find it . " Come here " said Jake there was a paper on the book shelf . he picked the paper and then they went . It was late night so they thought that they should open it tomorrow that was a good idea .

They thought that on that paper there was going to be consequences but they were wrong . Well they were kind of wrong it did have one consequence and also there was something else this was level 1 there were going to be 4 levels 4 books so then 4 levels .

What was about to head there way they had no idea .

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