Chapter 40

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4 years later

Bangkok, Thailand

Author's POV

Becky take out all the groceries she just bought and sat on the chair before drinking some water. Looking at the clock showing it's already 9 pm while she stood up going to the sink before washing the glass


A cute little girl run hugging her long legs from behind making the girl startled and look down on her body

"Thanya, what did mommy said about running in the kitchen hm? Do you know how dangerous it is?"Becky asked and kneel down on the same level as the little kid

"No run in the kitchen..Thanya is sorry mommy.."She apologised looking down before playing with her small fingers

"Promise mommy that you won't do it again?"

Thanya nodded her head obedienly and raised her pinky fingers

"Thanya promise mommy"

"Come, hug mommy"

Thanya then immediately wrapped her tiny arms around Becky's neck as the girl immediately lift her up

"Aww my baby, should we go to sleep now? Wanna sleep with mommy tonight?"Becky asked and she can feel her daughter nodding her head making her lips curve into a small smile

Becky walk towards the bedroom carrying her daughter in her arms before slowly putting her on the bed

"Mommy kissy"Thanya said as soon as she lay down on the bed making Becky chuckle in response

"You really love kissy before bed"Becky said before kissing Thanya's cheek and forehead

And it's instantly reminding her about someone, Becky then shake her head and let out a small smile while trying to get off her thoughts

"Thanya love mommy so much"The little girl mumbles already feeling sleepy and slowly closing her eyes while Becky pat her hips softly

"Mommy love Thanya too, forever"Becky whispered softly and lay down beside her daughter still didn't take off her eyes from the little girl

Without her notice, a tears started streaming down on her cheek and Becky immediately wiped it away before facing Thanya again

Wrapping her arms around the small body, Becky leave a kiss on her daughter's forehead before mumbling something

"Wherever you are right now, please don't ever come back to me"

Los Angeles, United States

The weather is dark and it's now raining heavily, Freen tightened the grip of the umbrella before looking at the grave, emotionless

Everyone started to leave while the girl keep standing still infront of the grave, staring. Freen slowly walk closer to it looking down

"Condolences Freen"The woman said before patting Freen's shoulder while the younger girl let out a small smile thanking her

After everyone leave, Freen slowly walk towards the grave before looking down, hand in her right pocket


Freen stuttered the single word that mean so much to her before turning around leaving the place. Getting into the car and close the umbrella before starting the engine

"Mama why did people put grandpa inside the ground? Grandpa will stay there?"The little boy curiously asked as soon as Freen got into the car

Freen let out a small chuckle before looking at him pinching his left cheek with a smile

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