Chapter 43

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Author's POV


"What the fuck are you doing here?"Becky asked suprised with the older girl's presence and slowly back away

"W-Wait Becky, dont walk away please..let me explain"Freen begged trying to convince her as she keep their distance, not wanting to scared Becky

Becky grip her fist and looks away before taking a deep breath as she exhale slowly trying to calm herself down

"Make it quick, 10 minutes"Becky said sternly still looking away

Freen let out a shaky breath before walking closer to the smaller girl, she can feel her whole body getting nervous

"First..I want to apologise for what I did"Freen stuttered

Becky let out a sarcastic chuckle before facing the older girl who have her head down

" you even realise what you did to me 4 years ago?"

"I know Becky, I know..and I want to ask for your forgiveness"Freen look up, meeting Becky's eyes

"Do you think with your apologise I'm gonna forgive you just like that? 4 years Freen, you left me without a single goodbye for 4 freaking years! Whatever the reason for that, I won't forgive you easily!"Becky started to lose control as she lean closer to the older girl, Freen keep quiet, she didn't have the courage to speak

"You left me when I was pregnant..pregnant with your child Freen! you left me when I was at my lowest state and when I need someone the most, you broke your fucking promise, you broke everything we build together!"Becky burst out into tears, pointing every single sentence to the older girl's chest

Freen look at the devastated girl infront of her, her heart feel heavy. All she could do is cry infront of her lover

"Where were you all this t-time?! Why did you left me just like t-that?!"Becky cried harder as she can feel her knees become weak making Freen immediately pull the younger girl into her arms, holding onto her tightly as they both kneeling on the ground

"I hate you...I-I hate you so much Sarocha..."Becky stuttered sobbing punching her chest weakly while Freen just keep quiet and pull her closer, closing her eyes tightly

Her heart broke even more seeing her lover crying in her arms like this as she keep mumbling how much she hate her

"I'm sorry my love...I'm sorry, I will explain everything from the start, all I need is for you to trust me and listen to me..please Becky, I will fix everything, give me a chance Teerak..."Freen finally let out her unspoken words

The surrounding become quiet and Freen didn't hear any sobbing sound from Becky

But then she can feel the weight become heavier as Freen quickly look at Becky and saw the smaller girl having her eyes close

"Becky? Becky?! oh god"Freen panicked after Becky didn't even respond to her touch as the older girl immediately carry the younger girl to her car

Freen cursed under her breath after realising that Becky just passed out

"Her blood pressure drop, it was probably because of the intense emotional stress and shock.What actually happened before she faint Freen?"

Freen look down and close her eyes before looking at the figure infront of her again, guilty took over her

"We..we fought.."Freen stuttered

"But she's gonna be okay right Tina?"Freen asked again worriedly and glance towards the younger girl laying on the bed

"Yes she will, she just need a lot of rest. Dont worry, everything will be okay"Tina said smiling and rubs her arms

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