Chapter 44

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Author's POV

"That's it..that's my explanation"

Becky froze on her seat, she didn't know what to say or what to do. The thing she just heard from Freen is a bit too much for her to handle

"I'm sorry Becky...I'm really sorry"Freen said in the verge of begging for forgiveness while Becky breathed heavily and close her eyes

"I..I need a time"Becky stuttered and stood up from the couch quickly walk away from the living room leaving Freen

Freen let out a loud sighed as she massage the bridge of her nose. She didn't know what to expect from Becky at this point, it was so hard to read what the younger girl have been feeling

Should she stop and wait for the results?

Or should she keep trying and trying?

Becky sat on the bed, devastated after hearing Freen unexpected explanation. The first thing crossing her mind was, how did Freen went through all of that? for 4 years?

"Oh god.."Becky exhaled and tears started gushing down her cheeks

Crying sound could be heard from the bedroom, Freen stood up and went towards the bedroom. Leaning her body on the wall, Freen can hear how much pain Becky feels

Freen couldn't take it anymore, she rush inside and kneel infront of the younger girl. Becky look down and saw the older girl looking at her

"Becky..."Freen stuttered taking both of her hands, Becky sobs but no words coming from her mouth

She didn't even push the woman infront of her, she knew there's no use for that already after knowing the truth behind the missing person

"I know it's hard for you to accept this but what I need you to know is my feelings for you never change even a bit. There's not a single day that I didn't think about you. How could I leave you just like that Becky? You are carrying my last name and our baby Thanya, I'm so sorry my love, I'm sorry. Let me fix this again please? Please Teerak..I would do anything just to have you again. All I need right now is for you to have some hope in me, I beg you my love..please"Freen spoke leaning her head on the younger girl's knees

Becky close her eyes and cry harder, all she could do is keep quiet didn't know what to answer. Freen look up and reach for her face, wiping the tears on the cheek

"I'm sorry for making you cry, if you are not ready to answer me I will give you some times to think. I will be waiting for you Teerak"Freen whispered the last part softly before getting up and turn her body around

Freen hopelessly walk towards the door as she didn't know what to do anymore if Becky couldn't accept her in her life anymore

She was devastated

Slowly bringing her feet, Freen suddenly stop halfway after feeling a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind. She can feel her heart racing again, the feeling of overwhelming love hit her hard after realising that Becky just hugged her

"Freen...don't leave me a-again..."Becky cried on her back, chocking on her words

"Don't leave me matter how hard the situation is, just don't leave me again.."

Freen broke down into a tears as she had her head down listening to Becky's words. She can feel her knees become weak, Becky tighten the hug

"I..I can't bear with the thought of losing you again Freen..I already suffered enough without you for 4 years.."Becky confessed sobbing

"Please fix us again..our family. I want to have you in my life, I thought I was doing fine without you and I thought I will be okay without you but that was all just my ego. I am not okay Freen..I was never okay for the past 4 years, I'm just holding on in my life because of our little angel Thanya, she is the only reason why I'm still here"

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