9 | "Por favor, Mi Luz"

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Over the course of the week, the family spent almost all of their time with their newest family members. News had begun to spread of who they were to the Encanto, and the citizens were eager, yet patient, as they waited for their grand introduction the moment they were healed.

The goal of this period of time was simple: Get to know Aletia and Emil, and let the two get to know them. The best way they thought of that was to spend time with them! But they all had jobs they needed to do to keep Encanto going, though it has toned done considerably since the miracle incident. So as much as they would have loved to spend every waking moment doting on them, they had to go with a plan B: "Seven Days Of Madrigal!"

One day will focus on one or a few Madrigals, and they will spend time showing the children what they do, their likes, and asking them theirs. It couples as both bonding time and showing them how everything is from different perspectives. All of this while they safely heal within La Casita. Julieta had warned all of them that while their energy was getting better, it would take a minimum of that time for them to be completely healed.

But her magic could do nothing for their mental scars, only time and an abundance of love and patience could remedy their hearts. The Madrigals were more than willing to supply that, though.

Throughout the dinner and their casual talks after, the family was quick to notice little things about the two. While Emil was a ball of sunshine and energy, conversing easily once his initial fears had been culled, Aletia was quiet. She would rather 'watch' than speak, as if her voice would ruin whatever beautiful moment she was witnessing.

But whenever she did speak, just like before, her voice was like gravity. It pulled on every sense, drawing everything to it. She was neither loud nor forceful. Yet, being as shy as she was, she was reticent. Sometimes, even Dolores had trouble hearing her. But she tried her best to answer questions.

Like now, surrounded by all of the Madrigal women.

"I have a gift for you, Aletia! May I?" Dolores asked.

"A gift?" Aletia hadn't received 'gifts' in so long, the term felt foreign to her. Her Papi had of course showered her with everything he could... but the memory of him left her too sad to cherish those memories just yet. "Um. Yes? Yes, you may?"

Dolores was giddy as she took one of her spare red ribbons out, wrapping it around Aletia's free-flowing hair. Now, her face couldn't be hidden, and the girls marveled at her.

Supple, rich, and dark brown skin framed by deep, wavy black curls. While dull, her eyes were still a wonderful honeyed brown. They weren't gray as normal blindness would have made them, which they accessed must have been because of her gift.

Aletia was a very pretty girl.

"It needs a little something... Oh! I got it! Can I?" Isabela asked as well. Since Aletia wasn't using her gift, she couldn't 'see' what they were doing around her. So, it was only polite to ask when they did something in regard to her. They saw how she reacted when Dolores grabbed her hand when they ate. They didn't want to scare her by doing something suddenly again.

"Um, yes?" Aletia wasn't sure what they were doing, but she could feel good intentions, so she let them do whatever. The blind youth felt how she caressed the red band, magically creating a blue bloom that weaved itself into the fabric.

"There we go. You're beautiful, Leti." Isabela gushed proudly. She was totally going to use Aletia as her dress-up doll. She'd missed that opportunity with her sisters, but now? Now she was going to let loose!

The look her sisters gave her told her they were all in agreement.

'I have plenty of plans for dresses,' Mirabel thought.

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