Mistletoe [THQ2]

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Pairings: Donchard (Don/Richard)

Relationships: The D Gang (Don & Dick & Duni & Dashlie & DDawn)

TWs: Mild swearing

Other: This is a Christmas oneshot set in Limbo. THQ2

Duni decides to throw a surprise Christmas party for the D Gang! It isn't received well...

Duni giggled, which was never a good sign.

Limbo was becoming a constant — something Don was finally getting used to. He enjoyed the routine but despised the mundanity of it all. Each day, he could feel himself losing his sanity in the boredom, and no new sword slated against an anvil or mischievous pokes at Dashlie's head could cure it.

Oh, but Duni had the audacity, which made Limbo unfortunately interesting.

Don was simply minding his own business as usual, passing by the dumb house Duni had constructed in some desperate attempt to forge a friendship that was never there to begin with, when he heard that grating sound. He paused briefly, only for a split second, to hear the unhinged giggles through the open window, but a second was all Duni needed to throw open the front door and whirl to face Don with a wickedly wide smile.

"Don! You made it!" the pug bellowed in greeting, and if Don wasn't cursed with delayed response times and lack of reactions, he would've just about jumped halfway out his skin. Before he could even ask what Duni was talking about, the mutt was already grabbing Don by the collar of his sweater and dragging him inside.

Almost immediately, Don's eyes were assaulted by a torrent of bright lights and garish interior decoration. He quickly pressed his palms to his vision and grunted loudly in displeasure, but this didn't stop Duni from ceasing his giggles.

"Oh, sod off, Don! Don't be rude. Look! All your friends are here! Isn't this wonderful?"

Don slowly lowered his hands to peek at the room now that his vision had adjusted and gaped at the peculiar scene. Up the staircase banister and along the fireplace mantle, some odd, furry, green vines wrapped in gold and light snaked the edges of the surfaces. A circular rug displaying some strange assortment of colorful boxes was spread out on the floor, and the ceiling was tacked with what looked to be dangling paper snowflakes.

What stood out the most, however, was the pine tree. It was far too big for the room, leaving it bent over like a hunched vagabond that was strangely alight with different colors of the rainbow. Two plush chairs sat on either side of the fireplace, and in them held none other than Dashlie and DDawn — both looking rather disgruntled and exasperated.

"What—" Don started to say, but Duni interrupted.

"I hope you like it! I spent hours setting it up," he laughed. Don only furrowed his eyebrows at him, utterly confused and only mildly concerned.

Dashlie scoffed from her place in the chair, and it was at this moment that Don noticed a red hat with a white puff ball at the end was situated on her head, only furthering his confusion. "Duni, do we seriously have to do this? It's not like we can notice the seasons changing here, anyways. It's probably summer for all we know," Dashlie snipped, but Duni only smiled sweetly at her.

"It's not about when or where we celebrate — it's about who we celebrate with and why."

"Well, I would like to know why we are doing this."

"Because we're friends! And it's tradition!"

DDawn grumbled at that, crossing his arms. He looked rather at home amongst the rest of the decor with his candy-cane color scheme. "For once, I agree with Dashlie. Ehh... this is, rather — how do I say — ah, worthless. A waste of time," the robot sneered.

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