Thinking of Each Other [THRQ]

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Pairings: Donchard

Relationships: Dread Squad (Dashlie & Dick & Don), Dick & Dashlie

TWs: Tooth rotting fluff

Other: Set in THRQ, at the D Gang manor. Dashlie is only mentioned and doesn't make an appearance. This one is short and sweet, and maybe a little OOC. It's also only Richard's perspective

Dick can't stop thinking about Don. He slowly starts to realize why that is.

"You look good without your glasses."

This was the phrase Dick couldn't stop repeating in his mind, and he just couldn't understand why. Maybe it was the way Don had said it, how he bumped his shoulder against his and spared him a small smile, and the comfortable silence that followed. Or maybe it was the simple fact that it was Don saying it.

Either way, Dick had been unable to quell the warm, fuzzy feeling washing his ribcage for the past week. It rose with frightening speed whenever Dick would see Don, practically drowning him and leaving his jaw burning and heartbeat loud in his ears. Dick was familiar with hearing his own heartbeat thudding sporadically against his chest, but something about the way it would reel back now wasn't as panic-inducing and stressful. It was giddy, and he had a hard time sitting still, constantly fidgeting more than he usually would.

Dick found himself following Don around more often than not. At first he dismissed it as the fact he wasn't able to bother Dashlie as much as he used to, what with her starting her own cinnabon shop in the town to the far east. He couldn't remember the name of it now, but it was something along the lines of "Briarwood." She would return on the weekends or whenever Duni called for her, and she would cling to both Don and Dick whenever she was around, almost to the point she complained about leaving them the day she planned to return to her shop, contemplating just staying. But she would always end up going at the behest of her best friends.

But Dick had a feeling it was more than just the fact Dashlie wasn't around as often.

"You look good without your glasses."

Dick couldn't get Don out of his head. He lived there now, Dick realized. With his sheepish grins, curly auburn hair, amber eyes, and freckled face. Dick's favorite thing about Don was his laugh. He didn't laugh often, but when he did, he did it with his whole chest, keeling over and barking a laugh so fierce it brought tears to his eyes. Dick was convinced Don's laugh could bring about world peace. It made him feel at home, at least.

Home, Dick found himself thinking one night when he and Don were sat out on the roof drinking hot cocoa. He looked over to Don for a moment, staring at his twinkling, golden eyes and soft, umber face. Don tilted his head and met Dick's gaze for a moment, a small smile gracing his face that lit up those watery, yellow eyes. He feels like home.

Dick rested his head against Don's shoulder and looked up at the firmament, but it was nowhere near as beautiful or mesmerizing as his best friend. He worried for a long time whether these feelings would ruin moments like this, how if he dared to speak the thoughts he had now would tarnish their friendship forever. Eventually, though, he pushed that anxiety away and soothed himself by simply enjoying the moment as it was now.

"Hey," he chuckled softly as he felt his cowboy hat being lifted from his head, "give that back."

Don looked down at him coyly, setting Dick's hat on top of his own and taking a sip from his hot cocoa. It was lightly snowing, and a few flurries were caught in Don's hair. "Make me," he teased with a gentle, amused grunt.

Dick didn't feel like it. He just wanted to stare at Don forever. But he reached up anyways, shifting where he was leaning against Don to grab his hat, but Don grasped his wrist and deflected Dick's attempt with ease. Dick huffed and went back to looking out at the sky. "Asshole," he mumbled, with no animosity.

"Mhmm," Don hummed, amused. Something heavy rested against the top of Dick's hair, and he realized it was Don's head.

Dick only half acknowledged the fact that him and Don were practically cuddling at this point, but it was something they always did. He knew he shouldn't feel as light and warm as he did now — it felt wrong — but part of him didn't care. Part of him wanted to be selfish and just hold on tight to Don, even with the ruff of his jester outfit poking the side of his face a little uncomfortably, and never let go. He wanted to think about Don always and forever. He wanted Don to think he was pretty and something to be loved.

Oh, Dick realized absentmindedly. I think I'm in love with Don. He knew he shouldn't be, he knew they were and always will only be friends, but he couldn't help it. A small pain blossomed in his chest with melancholic thorns, but for this moment he drowned it out using the warmth he felt towards Don.

He can worry about it later. He just wanted to live in Don's arms for the night. He would consider reality tomorrow.


Took me long enough to get on this trend. Several years late, but hey I did it

Will probably post them out of order, and I'm probably not gonna do them all. Or maybe I will. We'll see

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