The Hat of Theseus [THQ2]

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Pairings: Donchard

Relationships: Dashlie & Dick, Dashlie & Don, D Gang (Dick & Dashlie & Don)

TWs: Swearing, Dashlie has a partially exposed skeleton (played as a joke and isn't graphic in the slightest)

Other: Set in THQ2 in Limbo. Dashlie-centric, but it diverts towards the end to Dick's perspective for a Donchard scene

Dashlie and Dick (mostly Dashlie) notice that Don has been upset recently. They try to get to the bottom of it.

"What do you think he's so upset about?"

"Don's upset?"

"Of course! Haven't you noticed?"

"Uh... no?"

Dashlie rolled her eyes at that, disgruntled. "Well, whatever. Look, it's been, like, a month since he got the new body Duni made him. And he's still unhappy!"

Dick squinted his eyes at that, staring out across the lake the two were sat at. "How can you tell when he's... anything? The man isn't really known for emoting."

"Well, Dick, if you paid attention more, maybe you would notice emotions aren't the only way a person expresses themselves. Idiot."

"Hey, don't get on my case just because I'm not best friends with the loser, like you!"

Dashlie hit Dick across the arm, and he sneered. "Look, all I'm saying is, he's clearly upset by something. I just don't know what."

"Well, if you care so much, why don't you ask him?"

"You don't think I've tried?" Dashlie cried, throwing her arms up into the air. "Every time I've tried to bring it up, he just gets defensive and acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about."

"I mean, you—"

"Dick, I swear to the gods, if you tell me something along the lines of it not being out of character for me to not know what I'm talking about, I will drown you in the lake and then push you off the dock when you reform at the train station."

Dick huffed, shifting his weight and crossing his arms. "Jeez. Chill."

Dashlie thought for a moment. "Maybe we can investigate. Do some snooping, you know?"

Dick made a face at that. "Snooping," he repeated, "on Don."


"Do you even know Don? You can't snoop on him of all people. He's notorious for being an expert at hiding things."

Dashlie raised her eyebrows teasingly. "What, are you speaking from experience?"

Dick all but rolled his eyes. "No, I'm just saying. He was made to be able to get information on people and kill them. I doubt he would make it easier vice versa."

Dashlie hummed. "Yeah, but Don is Don."

Dick furrowed his eyebrows at that. "What does that mean?"

Dashlie stood from her spot and brushed the dry grass from her tattered sweater. "You'll see. C'mon, let's go." She held a hand out to help Dick up.

Dick sighed and reached up before pausing. "I'm not grabbing that hand," he said, and Dashlie smiled, wriggling her skeletal fingers at him.

"Why? You scared it's going to pop out of its socket again?"

"Yeah!" Dick exclaimed, pulling himself up to his feet. "And it's weird and gross."

"You're weird and gross."

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