Teasing Each Other [THRQ]

26 3 1

Pairings: Donchard

Relationships: THRQ Nick & Don, Dick & Don

TWs: Swearing, minor blood warning at the end, sexual tension played as a joke

Other: THRQ, set after the Epilogue. For some reason it gets really domestic towards the end, so there's that.

As the town deputy, Don is sent to interrogate a suspect after a recent crime. The suspect, however, has other plans...

"Alright, debrief me. What happened?"

Nick sighed and removed his cowboy hat, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly before addressing his deputy, "Suspect allegedly vandalized the local grocery kingdom memorial plaque. There weren't any witnesses, but we can pretty easily guess it's him. We just need a confession. Think you can coax it out of him?"

Don stretched his neck to one side and then the next before cracking his knuckles and shaking his hands out. "With ease, sheriff," he huffed. Before he headed for the interrogation room, however, Nick caught his arm and looked him seriously in the eye.

"Don't let him get to you, Don. I've taken some precautions, but this case relies on you."

Don rolled his eyes dismissively. "I've got this, bud."

"I'm serious, Don," Nick reiterated. "I'll ban you from interrogating the suspect in the future if we get a repeat of the last seven times."

Don chuckled at that and brushed Nick's hand off. "You underestimate me, sheriff. I've got this."

Nick watched his deputy stalk down the hallway and crossed his arms in doubt. "It's not you I'm worried about," he sighed.

Don glanced over the case documents to refresh himself before heaving a sigh and opening the door to the interrogation room, fixing his expression with a steely look. He didn't dare break eye contact with the man seated at the table across the room as he closed the door behind him.

Despite Don's intimidating glare, Dick's coy smile never wavered. He sat patiently, looking like he was the cat that got the cream. As Don approached the table and laid his hands and the case documents down, Dick remained silent, merely staring up at Don with the most shit-eating grin he could muster.

"Do you know why you're here?" Don began coldly.

Dick leaned sardonically to one side, a wide smile on his face as he barely contained a laugh. "No, officer, I don't. Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Don risked a glance down at the case document and slid it forward. "You're a suspect in the recent vandalization of the grocery kingdom memorial this morning. We have reason to believe you're the one responsible for this crime. Know anything about it?"

Dick hummed, voice shaking with amusement. "No, why would you think that? I was at home."

Don averted his gaze back to Dick, expression unreadable. "Really? Is there anyone who can confirm this alibi of yours?" he said, finally taking a seat.

Dick grinned and propped his head up with his hand, as difficult as it was given the fact they were handcuffed to the table. "No, I don't. You'll just have to take me at my word. You can trust me, right, officer?" Dick said, mockery dripping from his words. He winked mischievously, but Don held his ground.

"No, in fact, I can't, given your recent track record," Don responded, attempting to intimidate Dick by holding his gaze. He didn't break eye contact, however; in fact, the eye contact apparently made it even more difficult for Dick to take Don seriously. Bastard. "We have on file your recent string of crime, ranging from petty thievery in the area to borderline arson. This recent event does not stray from your usual shtick."

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